Glastonbury Festival 1999
Friday 25th to Sunday 27th June 1999Worthy Farm, Pilton, nr Glastonbury, Somerset, England
Contrary to popular belief, Glasto (to its mates) is not about hippies and mud, its about being yourself and enjoying life as fun as it can be!
Being a virgin to all kinds of festivals, I'm under the impression that I have been kind of spoilt by the fact that this Festival has been the best one yet! Hard to beleive, but true! The 2 days prior to the festival was an absolute blessing as it allows all and sundrie to try out the more relevant aspects of the festival like the healing fields and and check out the tippees, and the various others features of Glasto too munerous to mention, but I'll give it a try e.g. the cinemas (only found one while being lost) and the Field of Avalon, the comedy tent, and the hammocks at the little tea tent, and my mate debs who I haven;t seen for years running a stall!
Then there is the small matter of the music! Having fallen across bands like REM, and Texas and purposely making it to see to the likes of Al Green and Fun Loving Criminals, it was soooooooo hard not to like something, however the award for the best of the accidentals goes to Faithless, who were just jumping around being themselves (notice the recurring theme) when we walked past and they turned out to be our best act of Glasto '99!!!!!!
Accidents happen but all that happened was a good time had by all. I have to admit my view will probably not be shared by anyone else but that is what Glastobury is all about and that is what makes it special, we all take away our memories........ I know I will.
Here's to all who can't concentrate on work at all, and a quick mention to the guys I stayed with who made my festival what it was.
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Tickets will go on sale mid-November, with small price increase
Glastonbury - the Other Side of the Tracks