went really really REALLY well. Baby was moving around lots and i could see his heart beating. My bladder was really full (thats what the baby is leaning against) - seemed to piss him off! lmao. He tarted rubbing his face too (or picking his nose - who can say? lol)
was absolutly amazing seeing him, and blue_mondays face was a picture!!! hahaha. We went to mothercare after wards looking at cute things... only bought a baby diary thing tho for now. (for first sacn pic, first photo, first hand p
Colour Supplement - 26 October 2006
Time for yet another quick dip into the world of e-festivals colour supplement - the only supplement that guarantees not to have a hundred weight of advertisements drop out onto your foot when take it out of it's cellophane bag. You can expect the normal line-up - so if you don't like it, now will be the time to flick to the end of the supplement to see if there any adverts for cheap lingerie or viagra.
But first, a word from this week's supplement spons
What the hell is happening to men? The other day i was at the pub went for a slash there was a bloke there moving a strand of hair about on his head then moving it to another point on his head and looking at himself in the mirror constantly tweaking his hair - with that CTC (Cooper Temple Clause) Pete Docherty type crap hair that really doesn't look any different if you move bits of it about. and better if you dragged a comb through it.
Anyway half an hour later i returned to the loo and he w
Hard Disc Cost Fall
Reuters (London: 31 October 2006)
Economic analysts were in shock today after leading computer hardware suppliers announced that the cost of computer hard drives had hit an all-time low, and would continue to fall drastically following a huge drop in demand in the market.
Despite the cost of computer equipment dropping steadily over the last four to five years, analysts predict that the cost of a standard hard drive will plummet in the next month or so due to a s
Gawd its been a month since I updated... Well time flies when you're.....erm......being tormented by mortgage companies and solicitors and the whole nightmare of trying to buy a house!
So what's happening in the trilling blog to nowhere then....??! Erm.....
Good news!
The new job is going really well. Great people here, already found some festival people among my new colleagues! Plymouth still feels like a cool place to spend a few weeks, and as its Plymouth Music Week Im hoping to ge
So all tests done and the docs have ruled out muscle, blood, joints or bones as the cause of the problems. Seems it's neuological - now whether that's down to the quantities of drink and drugs I've bashed into my system or whether it's something inherited genetically. Thay can't say, just yet, but they'll be able to tell me...
...January 17th! What, how long? So until then I have to suffer what feels like (not that i know) arthritis, in my ligaments it seems. Great, the not knowing but know
Well, i'm LOVING season three of lost. Episode 3 was one of the best episodes yet I think, shame it'll all be over for another 3 months in 16 days.
Will try and keep this blog updated on my freshers uni life. Will prevent me from doing actual work anyway!
Well yesterday's archery was great fun and knackering! The ECOA (Exeter Company of Archers) has around 80 members and run loads of tournaments. I've been 'fitted' for my bow a 68" 20lb left handed one - number 43! And did pretty well getting most in the centre of the target and I was surprised how knackered i was after two hours of constant shooting. Z did really well as well, and is hoping to compete in junior nationals next year! But i was told my technique probably rules me out for Olympics 2
Not bothered with this for a while because I was conscious of the fact that I was just whinging.
Fun though it is, man cannot live by whinge alone (although Mrs B reckons I make a pretty good try).
The problem is though, that if i'm not in work for a long period of time I seem to go nucking futs.
Went to see Guillemots tonight. The microphone fellah said that it was the biggest crowd they'd ever headlined to, personally I believe him because it would be a crap boast if not true! Mainly
Its been a while and nothing posted, little really to say at the moment. Oh I got a new job, bitch that I worked with made my life hell so I had a word round the company and I have been given a chance at working as a tester, unqulified, inexperienced but they gave me a chance, which was bloody nice of them.
Also we got a rescue kitten, he is called cosmo kramer riley ricketts donohoe, but we call him kramer.
Watched clerks 2 finally and although it is clearly the most verbally disgusting f
Wow terrific night - lost my notes and got plastered with some old boys I've not seen in 15 years! Great fun! All the best tunes and some fat psychobillies on first! SLF are still fabulous and it was a terrific night of singing yer lungs out and trying not to join all the dads who should know better in the mosh pit - i failed! And came out hot and sweaty and chattin to a load of new friends!
Marvellous - now i was going to Great Yarmouth to see this lot:
But then KAZ told me when we g
went to go and see the automatic at the astoria on thursday and they were rather good... had a wonderul time and it will be a shame to see the venue closed as i rather like it.
in other news i am still not smoking although it seems to be becoming more of a struggle rather than easier which isn't how it is meant to work i am sure....
i am also considering joining a gym to tone myself up.... this may come to a shock to some as i am known for my laziness and ability to demand getting
I just purchased The Sims 2 + Pets expantion pack.
I already own sims 2 but its in the attic somwhere i think and ive gave up looking for it. Years ago i was REALLY addicted to the sims. I had all 7 expantion packs and could easily spend 24 hrs on it at one time and not even notice the time pass. - In alot of ways it took over my life.
When it comes in the post, itll probably ruin my life, relationships, career etc etc....
Its so addictive.... im actually having second though
wayhay its half term in the sintor household and i snagged a week off from the shop, so for the first time ever we are off on a week long family holiday, thats not festival related, to pentewan sands
"earnest" went very well and to good revues in local rag. and a full on hhhaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndddbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaggggggg was dealt on the final night by a wonderful Lady B.
see ya in a week
Efestivals Spurious Awards 2006
Reuters, London : 20 October 2006
The world of music was in a state of shock today with the annual unveiling of the winners of the "Efestivals Spurious Festival Poll 2006". The long-running traditional annual awards ceremony, which has been up and running since twenty minutes ago, caused wide-spread consternation and despair amongst literally several of the festival going public. The awards - which are by comparison amongst the most respected in the festival w
I just picked my post up from my doormat.
I opened a letter from DVLA, saying that I hadn't sent them my licence to be endorsed for speeding as they'd requested, and so my licence will be revoked from this coming Sunday.
I open the next letter, and it's also from DVLA .... all it contains is my licence, newly endorsed for the speeding offence.
If the guys at DVLA could add two and two to make four, they'd be dangerous.
I stopped at a garage today to fill up with some petrol, and about a minute later a posh-ish motor pulls in. Out gets Peter Gabriel, and he looked across at me, nodded and said hello.... like I'm his mate.
OK, I had met him earlier in the afternoon at a press conference, but that was there (I don't count something like that for a 'cool list' as I expect to come across such people now and then thru my job), and this was out there, on the street.
BTW, if anyone is wondering if Peter is get
Off out to see SLF in a bit with Goldblade in support just got to help do Z's homework which has to be done for tomorrow. Wonder if
Jake still does all the old tunes!
Hello and welcome to Thursday’s blog entry - and as you can see from the new format, we've gone high definition digital, we essentially means you get the same old same old but it's really in your face. I've got a whole host of items and articles to titillate and amuse you - but I've decided against publishing those and instead will reheat the same old garbage that normally appears on here.
We'll start with the Postbag. I've had been utterly under whelmed with the number of PMs I've receive
I hate working 12 hr night shifts....
but oh well.... should i buy a tandem bike... decided today on the tube home that one might be quite fun...
or one of those little bike trailer thingys to tow the boy in..... i think i need to do some shopping
........ still not smoking... and still writing that ackity CPD
sheesh, it's all gettin' a bit tricky! I'm trying to stay positive about the whole think, but dreamt that K and Z both died last night in my dreams and woke up a gibbering mess. Feel totally inert about everything now. 'always look on the bright side' eh? Well I'm trying to, I've got my grandmother deteriorating rapidly (she is 98) my sister seems to have vanished! and so I've got to deal with that and lie through my teeth everytime gran asks if I'm ok. guess she can sense summits up but thankfu
I really want to go and see this. so i thought I'd mention that the Monty Python stage show - starring none of the Pythons but with Rice as King Arfur has hit the West End. This way hopefully I'll remember to request tickets for Christmas.
Which reminds me dammit I've been sucked into the whole Xmas present thing already! To the extent that my mind is already making lists and thinking hmmm add that to the Xmas list. It's not even Halloween yet FFS!
bloody work have been bollocked for not doing any appraisals for ages so they are now rushing through them...
buggers are doing mine on friday and want my CPD file up to date for it... sods! busy all week and so i am having to squeeze the bloody stupid thing into my spare time... ack ack ack
its pointless anyway as they never act on any of the points brought up by it and i will carry on pretty much as usual regardless of it ... ack
still not smoking