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CALLING ALL FESTIVAL HEADS!! I always hated people who asked this on Facebook so I came here instead! I've created a survey for my dissertation focused on UK music festivals and would massively appreciate it if anyone who has been to a music festival in the UK in the last year could complete it! Takes barely any time and would help me out a lot.  Thank you!       https://willaltmann.typeform.com/to/cU5rHz

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Festival dissertation survey please participate!

https://willaltmann.typeform.com/to/cU5rHz CALLING ALL FESTIVAL HEADS!! I always hated people who asked this on Facebook so I came here instead! I've created a survey for my dissertation focused on UK music festivals and would massively appreciate it if anyone who has been to a music festival in the UK in the last year could complete it! Takes barely any time and would help me out a lot.  Thank you!       



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