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not quite a moral dilema - a gaz one?



;) Went to the tip yesterday and had a result. Said I would look out for a campinggaz 907 bottle for a fellow camper that I dont know. Was going anyway to get rid of rubbish & a helium bottle leftover from my daughters party. So I went investigating around the gas bottles. there were all shapes and sizes. Eventually found one and thought nothing ventured nothing gained so picked it up and walked past the man in his shed - he diddnt notice or diddnt care..(they normally say no or charge I think?) even more pleasing its at least half full! - which now has led me to a dilema - Im sure one of ours is nearly empty but its in me Trailer Tent -


1. Do I contine with my good samaritan original plan and give my gift of a half full gaz cannister to unknown local camper - which should make me feel all mushy inside

2. do I charge her at least £10 for my efforts - She would still be happy

3. Do I wait and put up Trailer Tent later this afternoon -just to check me own cannister and then swap it and give her the empty one? (Free of course!)

I know 1. is the right thing but what would you do??

Update she went to the tip herself and got an empty one for a fiver so shes happy - im even happier - free gas ! any one want a cup of tea/coffee in the morning on Saturday at Endorset?dont know about a fry up yet depends on how Darren feels or who wants to wash up!! :(

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