sorted 4 jobs n tents
well not directly me, but blue_mondays got the Chef job!!! - its really close and he has a massive modern kitchen all to himself (he likes that ok!) *lol* So its a happy day today. Yesterday i bought the new tent - quite nice, and a bargin at £21 pound.
Tomoz im gonna do the shop for stuff like babywipes etc. Blue_mondays is leaving for Glasgow friday night - off to see his mates and go to a 21st birthday party. Gives me and chance to try and find all the stuff i bought for leeds last year thats up in the attic (stuff like camping chairs, tourch etc) Then it'll be packing time. (!!!!)
ooooo i really REALLY cant wait!!!
Me and blue_mondays are off to the swimming baths inabit! - i havent been for almost 10 years but it sounds loads fun - late night swiming! yay!
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