Hello mr Thief Part II
OK so I have no proof but everything points to it.
about 1am last night theres some loud banging on our front door, I assume they'll go away after a while. But they knock again, so I go downstairs, and by the time I've reached the bottom, I hear the sound of footsteps running to the street outside, along with what sounds like a big bag being dragged behind them. Now I think this seems the logical explanation: thieves wanting to ensure nobody's home/ everyones deeply asleep or drunkenly passed out. They find out there's somebody in and they scarper before I can confront them.
Is it planned though? I mean last time was a Thursday, when theres a good chance I'll be in York, and this time was a Saturday, when I am likely to be having an early night, what with having to be up at 4 to get ready for a 6am shift on Sunday. Nobody ever tried breaking in while I've lived here since last July, so why these two attempts in one month? I reckon someone is behind this, and I have a good idea who as well.
This really has been a wake up call to get contents insurance before it's too late, though I don't want to live with a reason to be afraid in my own home.
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