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Back to School



Well I'm being driven mad at work by Sleeping Beauty - I'm putting a comic book with games in it of the story together and the story is too short so I'm having to pad the thing out and trying to do it by just adding floss rather than my natural instinct to add superfluous stuff and confuse kids through out Europe. You know like saying she had a puppy or that her sister escaped the curse etc. But no i have to stick to the traditional story, bah.

Anyways, it's also the first day back at school. And Z's first day at 'big school' she was up before 6am and dressed. She's so excited and I'm so proud of her, if a little in shock that by the time she leaves this school she'll be old enough to leave home!! Kids grow up fast!

We had all the photographs taken before she left with grinning from ear to ear and a uniform - a little on the big side and now she's started her first day. Something she's been planning for ages.

Buying a new bag (bags), pens, folders, pencils, pencil cases and loads of stuff for months. Guess she'll be gearing up for Halloween next. Which reminds me I forgot to tell her to ask three of her friends if they want to do the Halloween costume shoot this weekend. I doubt she'll remember with everything else going on. Blimey, it won't be long'til she's too old to do that too!

Giving up cigarettes is putting me in a bad mood! As is the whole gettting up early thing! worse still i better forgo the pub tonight and go straight home to hear all about it! What with that and having to watch the England match at home, it's going to be a bit of a culture shock tonight.

Heard some good news from Neil but I can't say anymore than that.

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