blog software install
To help people get started, there's some step-by-step instructions on how to set-up your own blog here:-
Well, the install of the blog software all went smoothly ... the difficulty came with sussing out a few bits and pieces of the configuration, and I had to ask for a quick bit of support from the makers to get a few things sorted out.
They were on the ball with getting the bits fixed, but what they haven't said is what exactly they've done - I don't much like that, as I have no real idea if things have been properly fixed forever, or if the same problems might surface after an upgrade of any one of the three extra components now attached of the forums, or the forums themselves.
And it appears that I might have found a bug that the makers are looking into, and don't have a fix for at the moment. Where it has "Forums Blogs Help Search Members Calendar" at the top right of the Blogs pages, it should also have 'Gallery', as the gallery component is installed. (And it should also have 'Flashchat' too, but that's something I'll need to add in myself, as the Flashchat chatroom isn't made by the same people).
Anyway, that's enough for now.
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