Modern Life Is Rubbish
I've been off sick for the last two days and I have come to the conclusion life really is rubbish. Whilst I've been off I have had at least three missed calls/voicemails from work asking "Can you just give us a quick call?". I wouldn't mind if I was some high powered type who the company looks to for direction, but I'm a proper oik. I'm one of a strange breed though. I don't mind work calling me when I've booked time off (I give them my mobile number just in case - it's either do that politely or they ask someone they know to be your friend for it instead), but I get a proper mood on if they call me at the weekend or when I'm off sick. Especially the last one because I'm hardly ever off sick, so if I'm off, it's not because I've had too much to drink the night before!
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