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...could it be?



Well quick update. It seems I'm showing signs of the disease that finished my old man and, I've recently found out my grandfather, it's a genetic illness and there's a good chance i have it. I have to see a neurologist. But it seems my fate could be cast. Least it means i can go back to smoking! :D

Seems my aching joints, shaking legs (Fasciculations - it's called for all those who constantly at me), regular cramp in my feet and lack of strength in my fingers occasionally could be down to MND - Motor Neurone Disease. So i've got a decade or so to pick a nice place to die, if i have it. And can look forward to becoming nice and thin in the future. :)

All i need to do now is build up the courage to see a neuro specialist to know one way or another. This is the thing at the moment I'm struggling with at the moment it's a possibility, if i do all the lovely checks it could be certainty - sometimes i think it's better not to know. Death comes to us all, but for me seems it won't be no surprise anymore. :D


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Same as everyone else mate, I really hope you're wrong and its not so serious.

I know what you mean about not knowing whether to have the tests. My own view is that Id want to know one way or the other. Not knowing, and constantly worrying and wondering about such things can have a major effect on your life too. If you know, at the very worst you can confront it and do what you have to.

Mel, Seb and me send thoughts and love mate. Hope we'll see you soon.

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I've decided to take the plunge - and should know tomorrow the date of my first consultation. Thanks all for your thoughts. To be honest I'm much more positive about it now people know and even thinking perhaps I am wrong! :) How the hell my old man kept it quiet I'll never know!

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I've decided to take the plunge - and should know tomorrow the date of my first consultation. Thanks all for your thoughts. To be honest I'm much more positive about it now people know and even thinking perhaps I am wrong! :) How the hell my old man kept it quiet I'll never know!

I think you are wrong

and I'm never wrong

and I hope to hell* and back I'm right again

Anything you need be it some one to scream at or whatever, get in touch, me and Dory will be there.



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Lots of love and hugs winging themselves from Aylesbury from Sharon & I.

keep positive - let's face it you have the constitution of many of us all put together.

Not sure there is a straight comparison but I have been diabetic for 34 years and I am starting to get some of the downsides of the disease and no doubt it will cut many years off of my life - I rarely let it get me down though as there are some things in life that you can't change or control - you have to make the most out of everything that you do. Good luck - everything is crossed for you.

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