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Two Ancient Cultures brought together in Dorset



For the first time ever in the United Kingdom, the sacred powder art painting of the Kathakali tradition of Kerala in South India will be shown. The drawing is done directly with the hand without using any tools whatsoever. The powders used are all nautral, and are used to construct the sacred Kalamuzhutu image over a period of four days from 15th to 18th July. At the same event, Tibetan monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery will construct a Tantric Sand Mandala made out of millions of grains of sand, coloured to represent precious jewels, creating an image of a sacred palace into which the Buddha and his retinue are invited as part of an initiation ceremony.

Both these intricate images, so inherently impermanent in nature, will be destroyed in ceremonies at their completion.

Alongside these asonishing works of art there will be workshops of dance and music from both traditions, performances of the monastic Cham from the Tibetan monastery and of the sacred stories of the South Indian Kathakali traditionan. Internationally renowned teacher, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, will be giving a series of talks on Tibetan Buddhism throughout the festival.

We hope to see you there!

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