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It's our first archery tournament on sunday the Frostbite outdoors over 80, 120 and 160 yards!!!! there will be other clubs there and we have to pick our bows up early - so i expect I'll shoot the neighbours who are pissin me off at the moment.

In my drunken haze in the last week of work last year i messed up and have repro'd a whole magazine incorrectly - but the print run was too big to re-print - so if you fancy a solving a puzzle go in your local newsagents after Thursday and check out the teen girls mags for one with all the colours are wrong - yup that's my fault - drinkin' at breakfast and lunch is never big or clever!

This weekend sees the annual winter beer festival too - at the Coevar club and Paolo Nutini in the evening! K has a Unison thing on all day and Z has swimming and a Show rehearsal! Plus the new Vue cinema has opened - and i have my neuro specialist appointment on Tuesday!

Oh and we've been accepted on a course for stop motion films as part of animated Exeter! and Arthur and the Invisibles is on that week too! At last - result - tho it has Madonna in it! Crivens!

The moonlights in the main fish tank are superb! And revealed that Earl the Flying Fox was beating the stuffing out of the gouramis at night - so he's gone and the gouramis are still alive! So we've ordered some fish - how bleedin' middle age is that? We've ordered a Siamese Algae Eater and some glowlight danios - to replace him - and i bought some sterbai corydoras - as i think i have a love of catfish!

The house is festive free and it's a long wait for summer, not helped by my dreams of not getting to Glasto - but i can't remember if it's tickets or illness that kept me away now. Usually i dream i'm there in the markets and know we will be successful - this new dream makes me edgy!

Tomorrow Battlestar Galactica and Shameless are back on Tv - result!!! Talking of results - let's forget about the FA Cup - Everton were terrible.

Although Plymouth if they win should have a good chance to get passed the fourth round too!

Oh and:


Please so there will be another one next year. shop here:

It's lesscartoony after i got the mickey taken out of me about it on TOS - as i do so many kids' mags it looked childish last year they reckoned - i countered with Childlike - so this is my attempt at being more adult!


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