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Congratulations! You have been diagnosed with an extremely rare disorder of the central nervous system involving a cyst or cavity inside the brain tissue. The cysts or cavities are usually the result of some injury to the brain following an illness or trauma, but they can also be the result of abnormal development. Your condition has been confirmed by our wonderful MRI machine however the exact cause is unknown and the symptoms unfathomable.

Yours is an arachnoid cyst (SPIDER BONUS - I HAVE SPIDEY SENSES!) The prognosis for individuals varies according to the location and extent of the cyst. These may include delayed growth and development in childhood, spastic paresis (slight or incomplete paralysis) CHECK, hypotonia (decreased muscle tone) CHECK, seizures (often infantile spasms) CHECK, and macrocephaly (an abnormally large head) NOPE or microcephaly (an abnormally small head) NOPE. Those severely affected individuals at one end of the spectrum may have poor or absent speech development CHECK-well word replacement problems and name issues, epilepsy NOPE, hydrocephalus NOPE, spastic contractures (shrinkage or shortening of muscles) CHECK, and mental retardation CHECK.

Thankfully, at the other extreme, some patients with this disorder may develop hardly any discernable problems and be able to lead a relatively normal life. Ah great cept I already have a few of those unfathomable symptoms

Where it is your head is involved in orientation, recognition and spatial awareness. Ah hence why i get so fantastically stoned! I once had a patient who had a small blood clot on the brain in this bit of the old pink jelly, and in the acute phase of his condition he was unable to copy certain shapes or position the numbers symmetrically on a clock face CHECK. He could not recognise simple objects placed in his hands with his eyes closed (e.g. a fifty pence piece) DUNNO and could only find his way back to the correct room on the ward by leaving his dressing gown on his bed NOPE - i find my tent even in total darkness.

I sincerely hope that you are not too adversely affected by this rare disorder. THANKS I have good reason to hate spiders now! :lol:

Ah joy!

So i went and clicked on this:


Then clicked the patients guide was reading through going check nope for a while then read the bit about planes - where she speaks of the agony of flying - i get the too! B)

You have got to do everything you can do to keep your brain from tearing on the inside because then it becomes harder to hold up your body as you age because those nerves that are attached to your extremities will not be supported by your brain (Think of it like a puppet with strings and if you cut one of the strings...) There is one cell membrane of your arachnoid cyst against the Pia Matter and the Dura matter and like I said I think the arachnoid membrane is what carries the electrical impulses around your body. When these paths are blocked by cysts the electricity has to reroute itself

somewhere inside you brain tissue and this also does something of which I am unsure of


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Bloody hell, Scottie - don't know what to say. Is it any comfort having this information which might explain the symptoms you've been having, or has it just made things worse for you?

Keep your chins up and know that there's lots of us thinking of you. I'm sure it won't spoil WOMAD for you and will see you there ;)

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I don't think it changes anything really. I knew i was broken and the MRI just agrees with that. The stuff on the site is one woman's rant about having a cyst for 23 years - and a lot of it not based on medical facts - these things never used to be picked up until people were dead until Brain Scans were available - even then the number found in patients aren't that high - i mean not a lot of people worry enough i guess to get themselves checked out or are miss diagnosed - so I'm a nice new guinea pig - we have a big neural research thing (Hospital? Centre? College?)here in Exeter but from what I've read most tests involve spinal taps - not for me. Least it appears to not be a 'disease' and so confditions are unlikely to severely deteriorate - unless i put myself in pressurised atmospheres - no submarines for me then, and after the flight to Spain this Xmas and then the long haul flight to Hong Kong, New Zealand, New Caledonia and Vanuatu I'll have to seriously re-consider flying again (and hope they don't do too much damage) shame as i still want to return to Chile (my place of birth) and Iceland (cos it have a spiritual love of the place) my other option is to buy a boat! I've always hated flying as since my teens it's hurt my body and it seems my head like hell - least i know why!

As for fixes well stem cell research is too far off i guess - so I'm resigned to being a bit broken but I wholeheartedly will be donating to that and cancer research now. the best thing about all this is after a complete scan of my whole body at least there's sod all else wrong with me!

What I'm more worried about is this hacking cough and sweats I've had since Glasto - which is why i went to the docs the other day. It's now a month old and no sign of getting any better - long as i don't move I'm fine but any walking and I end up in a coughing fit! Which meant at Guilfest i tried my best not to move but at WOMAD I wanna explore the new site! thanks for the thoughts, will see you in the sunshine!

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