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  1. Green Man 2023 Here goes… **THURSDAY** If the drive there was pretty painful - 6 hours or so from SE London - then the extent of the pain was equally matched by the relief and joy on arrival. Beautiful weather and back, for the third time, in one of my favourite places on earth (maybe my actual favourite at this point!). We had some first-timers with us this year and I was very excited to see what they thought of the place. Quick change to go for a jog up the “mountain” behind the main stage to check out the views and the wild horses (1hr and a bit up and down - it’s not as far as it looks). Then a swift shower on site (no queue on a Thursday!) and headed in for a few drinks in The Courtyard with friends before Rouge Jones. •Rogue Jones - decent fun, and lovely weather. Felt so special to be back. Is there a more wonderful place in the world than The Walled Garden on a sunny evening? Heaven on earth! Music was good, but not really my thing for the most part but they do have a few songs I like. 6.5/10 •Lost Map - headed up to Far Out for Johnny P’s new band with his label mates. Not as good as I had hoped for unfortunately. The last song was great (the single that’s been released) but the other songs weren’t nearly as a good. 5/10 •Spiritualised - better than I expected and some parts were really amazing (second half was a bit slow though). She Kissed me was so good. A friend even turned to me after that song and expressed some form of amazement (can’t remember the exact quote!) So Long You Pretty Thing and Shine A Light were also magical. 8/10 Had some great Thai food to the right of End Up bar before Spz. I also had a great aubergine filled Naan from the place near Goan Fish Curry/Record Store on the way “home” (💚) after a few hours in RTT and CWs following Spz’s set. ***FRIDAY*** Typical morning routine of: getting in the shower queue and debating whether it is worth it > showering and thinking it definitely is > heading to Frank’s to fill up water with their amazingly pristine water (maybe just placebo) > saying hello to the wonderfully cheerful security chap by the stairs > walking around site with a coffee and some breakfast taking it all in before it starts to get busier. Had a great shakshuka breakfast as well from the tent near The Courtyard. Worth it even just for those beanbags in there! Music wise I was busy (as I was each day!), although I had less “must sees” in comparison to Saturday and Sunday. •Speilman - seems like a great guy but the music wasn’t particularly amazing or anything. He was pretty funny though so was fun to watch. 6/10 •Eve Appleton Band - don’t really remember all that much from this which suggests I wasn’t really into it. 5/10 •Ziyad Al Shamman - he’s a good performer and fun to watch but I don’t really get much out of live music that just seems to largely be somebody pressing play on something. 6/10 •Juni Habel - first act on Friday I was particularly keen for and was very lovely. The rain was falling very imperceptibly at this stage and was so light it was almost snow like. It gave the show this very magical feel to it. I love the new album so was great to hear those songs performed. 7.5/10 •Mega Bog - off to the Far Out for another act whose album this year I really like. This set took a while to get going but was brilliant by the end. 7.5/10 •Dur Dur Band - Great fun in the rain, which was starting to get heavier by this stage. Got the crowd dancing despite this though! Funny to look back at our photos of this set as we are all laden in our waterproofs - feels weird to see after Saturday and Sunday’s gorgeous weather. 7/10 •Jockstrap - Headed into FO while the rain became stronger and stronger for one of my favourite bands who I still hadn’t managed to see yet. Not quite enough for an hour’s worth of back to back bangers yet but there were some fantastic moments during this set. Really enjoyed most of it but it fell a bit flat with the crowd in some parts. Ending in particular, however, was amazing with Concrete Over Water, Greatest Hits, Glasgow and 50/50. Georgia throwing in Nikki Manaj’s verse on Monster (Kanye) as well during one of their songs (I forget which one) was brilliant! In a few years they could be headlining GM/EOTR I think, they had a big crowd. 8/10 Brief respite with some friends in their tent to wait out the worst of the rain… •Squid - frustrating as usual with Squid for me as they can be really good and also really dull, fluctuating multiple times between the two during a set. I get that they like to ebb and flow the set tempo wise but seems way too much down time given the number of great songs they have. When it was good it was great. 7.5/10 •Slowdive - Possibly my favourite band that I hadn’t seen before. Was very excited and definitely met my expectations. It sounded brilliant (though could have been even louder if I’m being picky) and Allison into When The Sun Hits into Golden Hair was astonishingly good. I could have listened to an extended Golden Hair outro that went on for hours, simply sublime. Turned to my friend after it ended and he just had his hands on his head muttering about it being the best thing he’s ever witnessed. Very slightly disappointed not to get a bit longer set as they cut Sleep which would have made it perfect - but yeah, loved it. 9/10 •Daniel Avery - sound wasn’t good for this so was disappointed, pretty quiet. 5/10 Food wise, I recall having a great Mac and Cheese while half watching Melin Meyln from the top of the hill who had a huge crowd but I don’t get them at all. I think I might have forgotten to eat for the rest of the day as can’t remember any other food that day. Thankfully missed most of the rain as was mainly in the Far Out tent, and then the rain I think had stopped after Slowdive. Spent a few hours with friends in CWs to see out the night. It ended up being a fairly late one as I only got to bed around 4.30 ish… ***SATURDAY*** After very little sleep, maybe an hour or two, the typical morning routine kicked in. Had one of the Hot Patatoes’ breakfast bonanzas as well, which was incredible. Hash browns, beans, cheddar, crispy kale etc. Music wise, I knew this was going to be a busy day. Ended up doing 49,000 steps, although this did include a lot of steps dancing in CWs in the early hours of Saturday morning… •Rozi Plain (RTT) - a lovely relaxing start to the day with a short and sweet “secret” set. Didn’t watch her full set on Friday as I was at Slowdive but am sure it was good. •deathcrash - About as good a live music experience as I could possibly expect to experience. So emotional and powerful. Sound was SO good for this (those drums!!!), and crowd were perfectly quiet and receptive. I had my eyes closed for most of the set just letting all the emotions wash over me and was basically a trembling wreck by the end. Can’t wait to see them later this year again at Fabric. Their GM set was a cut above last year’s already very good performance on the Rising stage. I turned to two friends at the end of the set who both appeared to have tears in their eyes 💚 10/10 •Julie Byrne - In my top 5 albums of the year and a very beautiful performance. The only reason I’m not ranking this slightly higher is because it was very hot and my hangover began to kick in quite viscerally during the last couple of songs haha! 8/10 •Etran de l’air - After 20 minutes or so in the shade, things were looking promising again and was back out in the sun for this extremely entertaining set. Bumped into an old friend who I hadn’t seen in 7/8 years and we watched them play together, which was lovely. The only negative is that the style of music can get quite repetitive and the songs themselves are pretty long so can get somewhat tedious occasionally, though I expect this in part due to my ears being more used to Western music. 7.5/10 •Anna B Savage - another favourite of mine and one of my favourite 2023 albums. First time seeing her and really enjoyed it. Was hoping to hear “One” off her debut, which is one of my favourite songs of the decade so that was a slight shame but everything was great anyway. 8/10 •Obongjayar - had lots of fun at this set and we had the perfect early evening sunlight which made it extra special. Not 100% taken by the music but he is a great performer. 7/10 •Lankum - again, incredible evening sunshine for this set. My 3rd favourite album of the year and was going in to this with very high hopes but slight reservations about the slot on the Main Stage rather than in the tent or even headlining Walled Garden. I thought it was fantastic. Thought it was amazing how big a slot they had given how weird/experimental they were! The only slight downside was that a couple of ladies had brought 3 or 4 young children to the very front right next to me and were quite distracting/chatty in parts. Apparently I was on the screens for a lot of this set with my eyes closed just smiling and swaying about…little embarrassing! 8.5/10 •Uh - some of this was very up my street. Lots of interesting acid/squelchy beats that appeared to be improvised live with the singer adding very ethereal and hard hitting vocals over the top. Beginning and ending of the set was fantastic. 7.5/10 •The Walkmen - Just caught 20 mins of this and saw In the New Year, The Rat and Juveniles which all sounded great. Crowd were great even where I was which was pretty far back. Left early though as not that into their stuff and wanted to see WFYE. Crowd were very bemused about his helicopter/Van Morrison story which seemed to be unnecessarily long with no real point to it haha - I guess it was just to say Van Morrison didn’t really get the vibe of the place? •Water from your eyes - this was mainly as I expected music wise but singer was definitely more engaged with the crowd than I thought they’d be and seemed thrilled to be there, so that made it even more entertaining as I had wrongly assumed they would be a bit too cool. Great experimental band imo and very fun to watch. 8/10 •Mandy Indiana - great fun to watch. Lots of hopping over the barrier to interact with the crowd. Music was great as well. 7.5/10 •Clipping - unbelievably excited for this and when the piano keys started for Nothing is Safe and Daveed walked on as his verse started I completely lost it! Was amazing start to finish, and there was a great crowd who were all up for it. SO much fun and I enjoyed seeing so many amazed faces when Daveed would do one of his insanely fast and long verses. Nothing is Safe, Check The Lock, Wriggle, Enlacing, Body & Blood and Story 2 were my highlights. 9.5/10 •Confidence Man - this went exactly as I expected really which was three good songs (on and on, now u do, holiday) but with a bad crowd that significantly impacted my experience. In particular, four women next to me wouldn’t stop incessantly chatting to one another and occasionally screaming “This is amazing”! I mean they were barely watching it! Costume changes were also a strange move for me as they probably spent as much time off stage as they did on stage. Don’t really get them at all. Highlight was that it was then my birthday so had a nice moment with my group of friends 💚 5/10 Had some very good nachos from the vegetarian Mexican place at the top of the Mountain Stage during Obongjayar. Got some hash browns at Hot Potatoes to keep me going through the joys (sarcasm) of the CW DJs until 4 am ish again 😉 ***SUNDAY*** Typical morning routine again…plus a friend had bought me Julie Byrne’s vinyl for my birthday which was a lovely surprise. Also bought some GM merch as a present to myself! As with Saturday, this was to be another busy day music wise and ended up being another 49,000 steps approximately. Feet were beginning to ache by this stage and the creeping sense of dread due to it being Sunday was starting to set in. Tried to push back the fear with some vegan sushi from the Walled Garden, which was fantastic. •Thus Love (RTT) - Went along to the early RTT set at 11.15 again. Not massively familiar with Thus Love but do really like a couple songs and really enjoy the guitar tone the lead vocalist and guitarist has. Another good start to the day. •Kanda Bongo Man - very pleasantly surprised by this as thought it could be a bit naff based on some reviews I had seen. Weather was fantastic and crowd was very into it. It was quite incredible to witness everyone’s energy levels despite it being the last day. The power of good music, ey? The main chap (I think his name is actually Bongo Kanda) was less present/active but the rest of the band were brilliant. 8/10 •Hyll - Kinda like a Welsh version of Pavement/Modest Mouse but quiet considerably less good. 5/10 •Jake Xerxes Fussell - Group of us went up to the top of the hill in the blazing sunshine to lie down and watch this set. Was incredibly relaxing and his voice was wonderful. I could have stayed there all day had it not been for all the over great acts to come. 7.5/10 •julie - this band could be brilliant in the future, ones to watch for sure. Love their released music as i’m big into that sort of Shoegaze/indie rock sound, but didn’t have a brilliant live show imo. Drummer was very good I thought. 7/10 •Nuha Ruby Ra - wasn’t into this one at all I’m afraid, although I was seriously flagging at this point. Went to get one of those Bhaji wraps from the back of the Walled Garden, pretty good!! 5/10 •Butch Kassidy (RTT) - was excited for this as had wanted to see them on Friday but they clashed with Jockstrap (i think). Went along at the scheduled slot but then they proceeded to soundcheck for at least 20 minutes. I became unreasonably pissed off about this but stayed for one song, which was alright. Hope to see them again at one of their own shows! •Thus Love - went along to the first half of this before Gilla Band. Very nice again - will definitely be listening to more of their stuff. •Gilla Band - GB were the beginning of an insane b5b of acts I love all in the FO, starting with them and ending with James Holden. They were very good as expected but wanted them to be a touch more incendiary, probably a sound issue. Loved Bin Liner Fashion and Bodies in particular though, the latter was particularly raucous. 7.5/10 •Arushi Jain - dashed down to Rising out of interest to see what the Last Dinner Party Crowd was like (it was big, obvs), then I caught about 15/20 mins of Arushi Jain in the glorious sunshine with one of those amazing Choc Shop brownies. She sounded great and wanted to stay for more but had to get back to the FO… •Les Savy Fav - knew what I was getting in for as had seen them before 12 years ago…but still…it was nonetheless fairly shocking to see Tim in his brightly coloured feather outfit rush out into the crowd and run around the Far Out tent sliding in mud, stealing people’s clothes, drinking people’s drinks, cleaning his hands in people’s drinks, carrying children on his shoulders etc etc. It was very fun but at times I kinda wanted more focus on the music, which was great when Tim and the band played properly together. Some of his antics also seemed a bit over the line as well so felt a bit uncomfortable at points. Anyway, it was still brilliant and unique performance wise. 8.5/10 •Sudan Archives - surpassed my very high expectations. Fantastic. Had hoped to hear Confessions as that’s one of my favourite songs of the last few years but that’s a minor complaint. She’s an unbelievably good performer and the atmosphere in the tent was brilliant. 9/10 •Young Fathers - saw them earlier this year but this was far more enjoyable for me. The last 30 minutes of this set from Geronimo onwards couldn’t have been better. They create a wonderfully intense atmosphere and it’s a pleasure to watch them. Would have been even better if they decided to play Only God Knows. I’m not 100% into all of their music so the fast half of their set isn’t my sort of thing occasionally - hence the rating not being even higher. At times I also think they are so intent on it being an interesting live performance that it comes across a bit try hard…I dunno? Surely future headliners anyway?? 8.5/10 Then it was time for the beautiful and emotional burning of the Green Man and firework display. It’s at this point where it becomes very apparent that your time is almost up and while it’s sad, I am also very aware of how lucky we all are to spend time with friends in such a wonderful place. •James Holden - Following the emotional release of the burning and fireworks, I headed off to James Holden. I was extremely tired by this point and had become very cold as had forgotten to bring a jumper and hadn’t had time to go back for one. I came very close to just going back to my tent but when I saw James’ set up with the two other musicians I knew it was going to be worth sticking around for. I love James’ music and it was a lot better than expected live with the live percussion and saxophone. Due to my exhaustion, cold and frightfully painful feet, it also became this weird mental game I had with myself about transcending my mental state which seemed to go hand in hand with the music and James’ idea of it being some 4D underwater rave. I was trying meditative techniques of acknowledging the physical pain I was in without fighting it and trying to focus intently on the sensation and move it around my body…it sort of worked I think! The music was fantastic as well, ha! 7.5/10 •Deptford Northern Soul Club - I came so close to calling it a night after James Holden but knew my group of friends were at DNSC. I’ve seen this set a few times now so I was thinking do I really need to bother with this…but I’m so glad I did. A kind friend gave me her jumper (she said she didn’t need it I wasn’t being a dick!) and this brought me back to life, and this ended up being a brilliant end to a fantastic festival. In particular, I found it very special not only to have that one last fun moment with friends but also to watch different groups of friends hugging and saying their goodbyes as the set draws to a close. Wonderful. 7.5/10 ***EPILOGUE*** While trudging back to the car carrying our gear and aptly singing Lankum’s Go Dig My Grave, I was thinking about how I really think Green Man is my favourite place on earth. It might seem hyperbolic and I do try and cast a critical eye on it (it’s not without fault of course), but I do truly believe it’s a very special place and a festival I hope to return to for many years to come. Diolch, GM 💚 And breathe…
    14 points
  2. I have a gut feeling that we'll get Lana Del Rey and The Killers next year. I'd love to also see: Daughter | Of Monsters And Men | Seafret | Anna Calvi | Bon Iver | Highly Suspect | Bring Me The Horizon | Yeah Yeah Yeahs | Wet Leg | CMAT | Declan McKenna | Cage The Elephant | Wolf Alice | Paramore | Maggie Rogers | King Princess | Dominic Fike | YONAKA | Little Simz | Grimes | Fred. again | Tove Lo | Miley Cyrus | Aurora | Sufjan Stevens | Weyes Blood | Manchester Orchestra | Young the Giant | Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners | The XX | Hozier | Metronomy | Mar Malade | Agnes Obel | Broken Bell | Two Door Cinema Club | The Lumineers | Glass Animals | Father John Misty | Cults | The Kiffness | Wallows | Lord Huron | Mitski | TV On The Radio | Conan Gray | Royel Otis | MUNA | Santigold | Ethel Cain | Black Honey | Angus & Julia Stone | Phoenix | Empire The Sun | Foster The People | Birdy | My Ugly Clementine | The Wombats | and many more... I don't know which of those are even touring or will be but one can hope. And I guess at least one of those will be there xD
    4 points
  3. Time to bring back… *drumroll* … THE BIG TENT
    3 points
  4. Been home a few days now and had chance to recover and reflect on what was another fantastic weekend. Music wise, I've had better there but in terms of the overall experience it was probably one of the best. Weather was great (possibly too hot if anything on Friday and Sunday), organisation was faultless as always and I maintained my record of never seeing any trouble or sh*tty behaviour. We stayed in Hostel H again and it ticks all the boxes for location, comfort and cost. Festival guy was also there but he told me he had to cut all his wristbands off during Covid. Despite that, the number he's managed to accumulate since is pretty impressive anyway. As I briefly mentioned during the festival, the shuttle buses are really quick now but we opted to get the train in most days as traffic up the Kempische Steenweg can be pretty busy. Was an absolute godsend on the way home though, even if the walk to the pick up point is probably double the distance of the old stop. Went to have a look at the PKP museum in the library on Thursday afternoon and it was impressive. Quite a bit of the stuff was the same as when they held one on site in 2010 for the 25th anniversary but plenty of interesting photos and new memorabilia. My favourite sets from the weekend were Royel Otis, Piri, M83, DJ Heartstring, Fjaark and Fatima Yamaha on Friday, Tarkastaja (Clouseau), Jessie Ware, Turnstile, Limp Bizkit, Bou, Nia Archives, Sherelle and 2manydjs on Saturday and Anz, Foals and Teki Latex on Sunday. Saw bits and pieces of quite a few other bands and DJ's over the weekend and managed to miss some that were on my list beforehand - Ben Bohmer and Sub Focus probably the biggest 'regrets' but for good reason (explanation to follow!). Access around the site was mostly quick and easy, especially as they kept the cut through behind the Marquee to the Dance Hall. Seemed to be some really big crowds on the Main over the weekend and not just for the obvious headliners. Years and Years, Tom Odell, Macklemore (who we watched the end of from the Big Wheel), Zwangere Guy and Joost all packed it out. In contrast, DJ Fresh and Loyle Carner had relatively small crowds in the Dance Hall but on the whole most acts played to decent numbers. I couldn't get into the Club for TV Girl and was a similar story for Girl in Red on Sunday in the Marquee. Found some of the tents too hot to stay in at times anyway, and possibly for this reason the screens outside both the Marquee and Dance Hall were popular throughout the weekend. We ate in the Foodwood most days for lunch and then bought something from one of the 'normal' stands later on. I ordered 120 tokens in advance but had to get more on Sunday evening off friends who had leftovers. Definitely felt more expensive than last year and not sure I liked them putting the equivalent cost in Euro's next to the number of tokens - I'd rather not know! Mostly drank the Witte Lambic but you had to get that from either the beer shack, special beers at the rear of main or the PKP cafe. There was nowhere I found around the DH, Boiler and Booth that sold it so that could do with addressing next year. Loved the pale ale on tap in the cafe but had to be a bit careful drinking it during the day! Already got a room booked at the hostel for next year and unless they make an absolute mess of the line up I'll be back for #15!
    2 points
  5. Agree, I think it was the worse headlining performance I have ever seen
    1 point
  6. Watching him now, such a reliably good performer, absolutely love him
    1 point
  7. 20,000 Dunks Festival, book it.
    1 point
  8. I wanted to add Taylor Swift at first, but Im not really sure now.. 😅
    1 point
  9. Bicep are dull in the daylight. I would be walking over to Knocked Loose right about now.
    1 point
  10. I’ve eaten mashed potatoes with more personality than Wet Leg.
    1 point
  11. They all sound the same anyway. Just one to do a few sets over the weekend. V unprofessional unless like i say he has an excuse (fallen down the toilet for eg like poo girl of 2009.)
    1 point
  12. Sold mine but now have 1 more Strokes ticket available as my sister's boyf has a family emergency 😕 Can transfer via AXS if anyone is still looking? NOW TAKEN - thanks
    1 point
  13. No doubt. Those acts would shift tickets wherever they'd play. I've said it before, it's no co incidence that the festival has gone in a more pop direction since V was cancelled. The organisers got it right in 2019 as there was plenty of something for everyone, be it rock, pop or rap but since then it's just pandered to Capital FM listeners and TikTok addicts. Probably for the best that Rage pulled out last year because it's just no longer the festival for that kind of act.
    1 point
  14. Might be being at the end of the season more bands are burned out or have had more time to have some other misfortune land on them. Or more likely there is a curse on the place caused by a particularly bad Karaoke rendition of "I am the Resurrection" upsetting the ancient gods.
    1 point
  15. It’s slightly to the side, part of it is directly in front but sort of a side on view
    1 point
  16. Great list, will use your list as suggestion what to listen & explore more 🙂 I've been listening for the last half of the year music from fests and concerts I was about to visit, and now it's the time of the year when I'm lacking inspiration on what to listen the most. I always need some time to "recover" to listen again an artists i just saw and all playlists and suggestions are full of these.
    1 point
  17. So that's a second stage headliner having to be replaced at short notice, and this one was presumably someone Simon was really invested in showcasing at the festival. How come EOTR every year without fail gets a load of pullouts in the preceding few weeks? That's now five, which I know isn't the fourteen of last year but by comparison Green Man had two musical withdrawals in total, and they were both before the second set of stage splits.
    1 point
  18. Gone now. Have fun to anyone going!
    1 point
  19. I have an extra ticket for The Strokes tonight! DM if interested.
    1 point
  20. Dave being bigger in the UK than a Oasis Gallagher brother is some baffling thinking.
    1 point
  21. Have you noticed that some artists are missing from the wish machine? Dean lewis for instance
    1 point
  22. On their online wishlist tool I added Red Hot Chili Peppers, Paramore, Green Day, Blink-182 and My Chemical Romance. All these rock bands to make it clear that this year Sziget lacked a rock headliner.
    1 point
  23. Stuff like this annoys me. A yellow card offence should be applicable regardless of how many cards a player has or how long into the game it is. Same with time wasting too, that’s my other biggest issue with the game.
    1 point
  24. I would take your lineup😀
    1 point
  25. Just updated the Reading clashfinder for today with the new set times on the app if anyone needs it
    1 point
  26. https://www.nme.com/reviews/be-your-own-pet-mommy-review-lyrics-tracklist-3487110
    1 point
  27. It doesn’t make any sense to you because A) You’re working really hard drawing all these comparisons and pulling up metrics to try and apply scientific and mathematical criteria to something that doesn’t have any running through it. It often comes down to whether one person thinks a particular act is a headliner and she’s usually right. I’ve seen others do this before and it’s driven them round the bend. B) You’re lumping together four acts of different stature that play different types of music. I can’t stand Pink and I really like Fender, but she’s a stadium act so she would headline. Easy. Fender *could* maybe still find himself stuck at Foals level if his third album bombs, or he never actually releases it which looks a possibility at this stage. Rodrigo would be a very big sub or a headliner that’s a bit of a gamble but one where by next June they look like they’re bang on the money. Dave would be a phenomenally huge sub. It may just be down to the intangibles-what age group mix they have with the other headliners or that he’s a British rapper who’s broken through, but he’s headliner level to me. Saying ‘Act A subbed so why can’t Act B’ doesn’t change that opinion or really matter all that much.
    1 point
  28. You used to be able to get cans of staggeringly good (local brewery) from the cafe at the tennis club, but they're under new management since last fest so I don't know what they'll have this year. Will report back tomorrow (if nobody else does 1st).
    1 point
  29. Yeah, we won't get fooled again...
    1 point
  30. Confirmed reg details last night. Ready for an assault in Oct and the following 5 months of torturing myself about whether to go or not.
    1 point
  31. Time to remortgage! How many years until we're at a tenner a pint...! Out of interest how easy is it to sneak your own booze in?
    1 point
  32. Wasn't deleted but was closed.was a great thread that covered COVID very well.
    1 point
  33. Pink doing aerial stunts over the longdrops is the headliner we need. Lets see how brave she is then.
    1 point
  34. ...and anyway, it isn't just baiting snowflake liberals for the lols...they also embolden many people who secretly hold bigoted prejudiced views and so they feel confident to get out there and call a spade a spade or whatever...and so it spreads...
    1 point
  35. I've thought about the festival a bit since this years.......had a good time as usual, but something has sort of changed for me. I first went in 2004, aged 22, lots of music towards my tastes, young enough to get smashed 5 nights straight, hack it and be ok again two days later...... and as you noted as well, the festival has now changed in terms of its programming (2008 onwards for me) and the people that attend. My musical tastes however are still broadly the same, and I'm now 42, the festival has changed around me and I've perhaps not. I think, whilst I may still go, that I need to accept that mainstream pop headliners are here to stay (and those further down the bill) and if I really start to not enjoy it, call it a day and go to something else instead. Sometimes we are guilty of chasing something from yesteryear without realising that just attending the same event doesn't mean the same fun as you as a person are older/like different music/don't do drugs anymore etc. as a side point, my own opinion is that I think the site is now too big, its a complete chore from start to finish getting in unless you're prepared to pay your way out of it and just going from one stage to another or another part of the site takes an eternity.I think that more than anything may see me retire! (That all said its the best live event offering I've ever been to so don't want this to come across as negative!)
    1 point
  36. I thought this was a general problem in gigs. Seems to have been a common complaint for years.
    1 point
  37. What counts as a misogynistic comment in 2023 anyway? Just admiring a woman's back side is misogyny nowadays. It never works the other way around either, women can admire men's bodies and get away with it. I personally was banned from the Download Reddit page for using the word slut. To describe women who have sex at festivals.
    -5 points
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