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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2024 in all areas

    29 points
  2. I did one last year, but probably haven’t got time to do an extensive one this time. But happy to start one and make it editable for others to add to it as well, combined effort.
    10 points
  3. Just 1 month to go now!
    6 points
  4. Your wish is my command 😂 Can of cider number 133 turned out to be the lucky one. Who knew? This happened on Friday but I had no contact with anyone from Brothers until today, so I held off posting. I didn't sleep all weekend. Still can't actually believe it. Keep going everyone, there could be more winners on here. If I can win, anyone can.
    5 points
  5. Got questions about which route to take? Want to get to West parking but coming from the East? Want to know when to arrive to meet least traffic? This is the thread to ask, answer and share journey tips etc. I'll start by posting link to the Traffic Management Plan for 2024 festival giving details of road closures etc. https://somersetcc.sharepoint.com/sites/SCCPublic/Roads/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FSCCPublic%2FRoads%2FSomerset Council%2C Various Roads - Glastonbury Festival temp TRO.pdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FSCCPublic%2FRoads&p=true&ga=1 I'll give it a good looking over and report back any changes but a swift view looks like nothing significant has changed from 2023.
    3 points
  6. Mate of mine just asked for some recommendations from the lineup at first glance, I said if you catch any of these below you’ll have a great time… Thurs - Joy Orbison - ⁠Dr Banana x Lukas Wigflex - ⁠Skream & Benga Friday - ANOTR - ⁠Bonobo - ⁠Midland - ⁠Romy - ⁠Palms Trax - ⁠Chaos in the CBD - Sally C Saturday - Eats Everything b2b groove armada - ⁠Ben Hemsley - ⁠Carlita - ⁠Jamie Jones - ⁠Job Jobse Sunday - Sammy Virji - ⁠Interplanetary Criminal - ⁠Enzo Siragusa - ⁠Lauren Lo Sung
    3 points
  7. Now I don't know what to believe.
    3 points
  8. It’s f**king glorious
    3 points
  9. None of that means much to me. Is it good?
    3 points
  10. Hi Shelarus This sounds amazing, I was lucky enough to secure my ticket in the resale but my room mates wouldn't let me stay on the computer for the accommodation sale 😭 The last time I walked barefoot on grass was over 30 years ago. I would like to go to the Breakfast Bus and order the biggest fry up on the planet. I want to go woodsies and hug a tree. Enjoy the little things in life. Go to a the fish and chip stall by the pyramid and order fish and chips. Sit on a bench to eat it, whilst watching Coldplay. My dreams are so simple and easy. I just want peace and quiet and to share your Tipi and sit down and create my art. Regards Charlie Ps I've included a pic so you can see Iam a devoted Christian.
    3 points
  11. Brothers & Sisters, gather round! Me and Hollie The Rescue Hound (TM) have been getting muddy as f**k for months on our walks. I can't recall things round here being as muddy in the 6 years I've lived here. Proper ankle deep slurry in places. Nearly lost a Muckboot at one point. However, it's only taken about a week of mild (not warm), breezy weather to completely transform the countryside. I went on an 8 mile hike with HTRH (TM) on Saturday and only encountered about 2-3 pockets that were still soft, let alone muddy. Never ceases to amaze me how Spring can be so transformative. Explosions of Bluebells, Snowdrops, Crocus's and bright green grass and leaves everywhere. Cracks forming in the drier bits of ground already. I feel it in my bones that we're in for another scorcher. The Rain Gods have had loads of fun and are ready for a long, well earned rest. Here endeth the sermon. NFR NFC.
    3 points
  12. Yeah, I definitely understand your point about feeling more immersed within the belly of the festival. It really depends what your motivation is, doesn't it? I'll never camp anywhere other than Darble now. The easier-in, easier-out scenario was a total game-changer for me. It didn't feel too disconnected from the heart of the festival but it was a lot quieter, which, I have to say, I also prefer these days. And personally, I love the long walk. Meandering in, you can really get a sense of atmosphere, everyone getting ready for the day ahead, the anticipation and excitement on everyone's faces as they regroup to go again. Lots going on everywhere, from people revealing their outfits to each other, to the gentle hum of those waking up sharing stories of the day and night before. The late night/early morning wander back also gives me a chance to clear my head, walk off some of the excesses, and reduces the impact the next day.
    3 points
  13. This. This of all thises. I've never "This'ed" so hard in my life.
    3 points
  14. This one is truly baffling theyre the exact same crowd and idles headlining other is already a massive reach without fontaines taking some more off them.
    3 points
  15. I’m just glad there’s folk at the festival older than I am😉
    3 points
  16. Oh my god the whiplash I got from these comments 😂😂 absolutely buzzing for you, congrats 👏🏻🥳
    2 points
  17. I know, I felt so gutted this morning. What a rollercoaster of emotions!
    2 points
  18. The guardian competition! I’ve just replied to the email asking if it’s real! I am speechless
    2 points
  19. Another Vodafone competition! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6WfBPHIEd3/?igsh=ZjN1cW00enE0MGtr
    2 points
  20. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see Michael Bibi fulfil the slot he had to pull out from last year. That'd be a nice continuation of his recovery story
    2 points
  21. I went to my first Bangface last year, my god that place is alot of fun. I obviously cannot speak for the new venue, but i highly believe that Bangface woudlnt have chosen it if they didnt think it would suit them in eveyr aspect such as security, good vibe, space, etc. I think the festival itselt has such a cult following, it could only be good vibes, as the people who come to it are really friendly, and staying in the chalets is such a laugh and probably half the fun of it. A funny story from my time last year was on the sunday night, and i must say by then i was lacking in some minerals and energy and had taken myself back to the chalet with a few others to have a little refresh and think about packing up some stuff ready to leave in the morning, at this time it was about 3/4 am and we were winding down smoking some hash listening to some more day i say listenable music to what is on offer in then festival rooms. Next thing you know someone loudly bangs on the door, which makes us all jump, i went to the door and someone says "HELP!!, you lot need to get out here quickly..." So 3 of us got out on to the walkway thinking something bad that happened, next thing you know were being attacked by an army of space invaders and we had been chosen to destroy them. We were given a bucket full of water bombs to throw at these people dressed up in space invader costumes. We obviously got fully into it and went ham on them and managed to take them all down ahhaha. It was the perfect ending to an incredible weekend and i felt my come down dissappeared after it. The highlight set of the weekend for me was seeing Dexorcist play some of the best electro ive ever heard at 12:30pm, so i was feeling nice and fresh which might have added to that. I decided not to get a ticket for this years, thinking it would be in its orginal date at its original location as had plans already in place, but now it has moved i have jumped back on board and have managed to get a bed in a friends chalet. Hope that helps with excitement 🙂
    2 points
  22. really don't get why they don't align the timetable with the booking for Ciutat. I have to chose between Acts without knowing if I get to catch them on the main fest. Additionally, booking Ciutat through Access App means I forfeit my ability to resell my ticket, if something happens on short notice.
    2 points
  23. Erol Alkan just announced 3 sets at Glastonbury in his instagram although no other details he said these are to come but with SH probably about to announce I’m predicting a LHC set
    2 points
  24. That depends on if Carl Cox is around to leak the poster.
    2 points
  25. Read something last week about UK Snooker and the Council looking at developing something across the road from the Crucible with a walkway across to join the two. Can only presume that is the O2 site. Sheffield is crying out for something like a 4K capacity venue. Ideal would be where Cole Brothers. Flatten that and build a multi purpose venue with bars and eateries that can be used for gigs, comedy and the Snooker.
    2 points
  26. It's beyond me how this band is not bigger? (Sunday, "The Buzz" stage). If you are missing bands and rock from the lineup, check them out.
    2 points
  27. if you like bland generic electro DnB ish EDM music, thats sounds almost like the same song being played in almost every part of the site - after hours, you're going to be in for a massive treat
    2 points
  28. Worth noting I didn’t see a single puddle and whilst the grass was wet, the ground under it was firm. All will be fine 😊
    2 points
  29. Woohoo 🎉 🥳 congratulations!!! I know how wonderful it feels, I won via this forum back in 2016! 😂
    1 point
  30. The consensus seems to be this is the one to check: https://clashfinder.com/s/g2024
    1 point
  31. Short answer - yes. Based on announced dates, he's short by quite a large number - so plenty festival sets and additional shows tba.
    1 point
  32. For my money, number 2 wins. 1&3 are main roads. Having driven both previously they’ll be busy. Can’t speak for 2, but looks like it might be quieter.
    1 point
  33. Got you! I'll be there. Just wanted to check as charlies normal stuff is close to Dua so didn't want you to be dissapointed! 😂
    1 point
  34. They fixed Silver Hayes last year
    1 point
  35. Just from the hypothetical Clashfinder as it's filled in at the moment. Other and Park haven't been released yet so both could be on a totally different time.
    1 point
  36. I doubt I am the first person to say this but Erol Alkan just confirmed via Facebook he’ll be there playing 3 DJ sets
    1 point
  37. 2 versions of them to avoid listening to then. Sure I can manage that. 😉 Agreed.
    1 point
  38. We always sit in the Arcadia field, plenty of space and a good vantage point.
    1 point
  39. I've been going to Glasto since 2014 and noticed that there is never any Trance represented (or very little as far as I can tell anyway, but admittedly I may not recognise the names of up and coming artists). Having grown up in that late 90s early 2000s golden era and attending Godskitchen/Gatecrasher etc I've always hoped that one of the areas would cater for some Trance. Was it ever represented and do we think it ever will be? Surely a good old classics set would go down a treat in somewhere like Glade dome or maybe Lonely Hearts Club.
    1 point
  40. Prydz on Arcadia would be fun, but it's like seeing him at 75% without the accompanying visuals... ...unless my vision of the Arcadia aircraft hangar complete with helicopter DJ booth inside comes to fruition...
    1 point
  41. Agreed. Very impressed. Just hope they don't clash with Editors!
    1 point
  42. The Streets V Lil Simz…. Just why?
    1 point
  43. It was a bit of a fluke of circumstances. We tried to sign another player on transfer deadline day which fell apart due to an administration error. This left us only able to sign free agents and that’s a pretty small pool when the window has shut. 8 goals in 33 games is decent return for someone who plays 15 minutes most games. We tried to start him (you can see he is a class above) but he doesn’t really have the legs and despite scoring a hat trick one game generally worked better as a substitute. Great character in the dressing room as well and will be missed if he moves on.
    1 point
  44. I'll give it a miss then, if they were playing Fragile, Close To The Edge or Relayer i'd be all over it.
    1 point
  45. definately, but having DJs playing more variation would be a start. f**k me it's bleak
    1 point
  46. I've been disappointed by quite a few hip-hop acts at Glastonbury, including Wu Tang, as it often doesn't translate well to a big field. Two performances stand out though: Public Enemy, who were well worth walking away from the Rolling Stones for, and Deltron 3030, which was the best performance I've ever seen at Glastonbury. So in the spirit of starting poorly-evidence special guest rumours on here... 'Hieroglyphics' are playing in Falmouth on June 2nd, so that puts Del the Funky Homosapien (as well as the rest of Souls of MIschief) in the Westcountry at roughly the right time...
    1 point
  47. Look at me go................. I might be on holiday but here is the updated clashfinder. Extra act every day on The Meadow so guessing it opens earlier. Woodland also has an extra act Fri and Sun so times taken from Saturday. CODA is total guesswork apart from the comedy. As and when I get more info I will update it. https://clashfinder.com/s/beardedtheory2024
    1 point
  48. Pulp set will be chock full of heart soaring anthems IMO - Disco 2000 and Common People will obviously be great but I can't wait to hear Babies, Do You Remember, FEELINGCALLEDLOVE, Misshapes, Sorted For E's & Wizz...
    1 point
  49. It’s not a pain that goes away particularly - experienced same loss in 2021. It’s ironic that while I’ve no intent to see Coldplay, now you’ve got me thinking, ‘Fix You’ can move me to tears just by thinking about it, let alone hearing sung to me live, by Coldplay themselves… sh*t, I’m gone 😭 very much hoping that doesn’t ‘don’t impress me much’
    1 point
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