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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2024 in all areas

  1. We got in volunteering!!
    15 points
  2. Personally, I'd choose The Temple at around 4am. That'd be cute. It's not too late to change your mind 🙂
    8 points
  3. A friend just had notification this morning that she’s won tickets through the cheese competition.
    6 points
  4. Yes. And it's great I normally organise an efests crew/volunteers meet up at the Tow and Hitch (Arcadia crewvbar) on the Monday night- all welcome
    5 points
  5. Wow got a place literally immediately and had the confirmation email by 11:01. In total shock as really hadn't planned for this to happen!!!!!!! 😂
    5 points
  6. How about a poor man’s 5 minute Snapchat edit version?
    5 points
  7. We all are, thats why there is 200 pages of this 😄
    4 points
  8. We got our 2 spots straight away! Good luck everyone
    3 points
  9. I just got through 2 mins ago and got a place! Don’t give up and Keep trying with proceed ! Woo hoo!
    3 points
  10. I secured an Oxfam volunteering space in the release a couple of months ago, but my friend failed. I just managed to bag her a space today just a few moments before 11am. Was super stressful - selecting Glastonbury was easy, but ensuring all 3 check boxes were complete, then hitting the button and hoping you were fast enough = awful! Then the Stripe screen wouldn't accept my Apple Pay (says postcode is wrong as it's a new build) but it took the full £360 fee so when I manually entered details it was saying "insufficient funds" (as I moved the right amount in and it had already been taken once). So stressful, but finally got there after a bank transfer AND the original funds are back in (so looks like it was pending). Stressful but - keep trying. Peoples payments will fail as I demonstrated above. I had completely written it off as going to fail after stripe issues (as I was unsure if it was quickest to actually complete payment) but got through. Keep on going!
    3 points
  11. Yes yes and yes , see you in the crew bars, its party nights and the morning the gates open is super special - quiet with an air of anticipation and excitement. I suggest getting up and either up to the sign to watch the site fill up or trek it out to the inside of a gate and watch the gate open from the inside and the first punters flow through - its so emotional and special - gate A even more special as its where Emily / tv etc usually are
    2 points
  12. I second the notion you use a stand in ring mate. It will cut your anxiety and stress levels beyond belief not having to worry about losing it in some fail army kind of way. Good luck though 👍
    2 points
  13. Co-op live have you covered on that front
    2 points
  14. With the amount of tickets scammers around, I'd be happy to pay a small fee not to get ripped off.
    2 points
  15. Amazing news! aah this thread is a lovely place. I really hope we all make it 🙂
    2 points
  16. Well done to those of you who got a place. If you’ve not done Oxfam before, you’ll love it. Plan to be on site from the Monday if you can. The Monday and Tuesday nights are a lot of fun.
    2 points
  17. Sorry to all those who have missed out on Oxfam spots, hopefully a few more will pop up before June! I've somehow managed to bag a place after trying this morning with 0 expectation of going!
    2 points
  18. I saw Slayyyter earlier this year and it was a very fun show where I felt positively ancient compared to the rest of the audience (dammit, I'm not even 40 yet!).
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Alrighty! It's taken a wee bit of time, but I've managed to get through the line-ups for Glade and Silver Hayes now. Asterisks are for would intend to see, depending on rivals. Glade I'm pretty disappointed, tbh, but that's no big deal as I know I'll be busy from 1100-0600h most days/nights! But, I love the Glade area and I think the programming this year is very uninspired. For me, a lot of it is safe, easily consumed dance fodder, which is fine, and lots of people will have a fab time. I just think of Glade as one of the remaining slightly edgier areas from a programming persepective. No big deal. For me on the long list: - Daniel Avery - Layla Benitez (shameless, populist EDM/tech-lite, but there's something very fun and catchy about her sets online! If I was in the appropriate condition, and she plays something like I've seen, this could be a lot of fun!) - Effy And that's kind of it! 🤷🏽‍♂️ Silver Hayes The Levels Hmmm! I love that this stage is at Glastonbury now. I saw so many people having a brilliant time in the day when walking to and from Woodsies etc. Not much there to tempt me this year, but: - Dove (let's be honest, their DJ sets are 'fine'! I could see myself going, but it's going to be ramalamadingdong, and it wouldn't take much elsewhere for me to sack off even the idea!) - Joy Orbison - ah, but which Joy O? I've seen him a few times and when he's tech, he's outstanding for me. As it's Thursday, I'll likely take a punt on Mr O. - Bonobo - all depends on timing, but a sunset set could tempt me - bit like this year's Ben Bohmer. We'll see. - Kelly Lee Owens* - if it's dark, then it would take something pretty solid for me not to be there. She really understands techno. Lonely Hearts One of my favourite Glastonbury nights was last year's Saturday on LH. And a wonderful surprise, as its previous programming had held nothing for me. Well, it seems as if 2023 was an aberration! Other than Paranoid London, who I've seen many times, there is nothing for me here. Move on, son. Assembly Praise be for Assembly! Very excited at the idea of an indoor venue (presumably hangar-like, at least) in Silver Hayes. Just hope capacity is not a major issue. Anyone remember J.E.S.U.S in Wow in 2015? The most pointless 'dance' set in history. I say 'dance' as no-one in that tent could move a foot, let alone dance! Anyway, Sunday is looking mighty fine, though odd to have Facta & K Lone in that company on the Sunday. Not that line-ups should be too single-genre, but that seems like an odd mood shift. Depends where they put them, I guess. - Sugar Free & Fonte - Unai Trotti* (asterisk, assuming he brings his mostly-electro A game!) - Aurora Halal - DJ Stingray 313* (lordy, I hope that anyone coming to see this one is there because they appreciate the electro genius of this man) - Pangaea b2b Tasha* So, a bit of a mixed bag, with my focus shifting to the new venue (only saw 1 or 2 things in Wow last year) from LH and The Levels, but all good. Anyone else made reasonably firmish choices yet? Ben x
    2 points
  21. I was a Worthy Winner as well (technically my wife, but I nominated her) Still can't really believe it, and very worried it was some sort of scam but it all seams legit. I wondered if anyone else had won a competition before and knows how to buy a car park pass, please?
    2 points
  22. Clashfinder better anyway imo. Might print that off. Loved the Guardian bags with the ropes for straps they had a for couple of years. Handy for a bottle of booze. Wouldnt work nowadays with "day bags" and "all my stuff". "Just popping over to get a Kedgeree, back in 10 minutes".
    2 points
  23. The best thing about tge mini-guide was using the plastic cover to scrape out all the muck that has gathered under your fingernails.
    2 points
  24. Your wish is my command 😂 Can of cider number 133 turned out to be the lucky one. Who knew? This happened on Friday but I had no contact with anyone from Brothers until today, so I held off posting. I didn't sleep all weekend. Still can't actually believe it. Keep going everyone, there could be more winners on here. If I can win, anyone can.
    2 points
  25. That sounds great. The only previous year I have volunteered I was on the gates for when they opened. My job was basically saying 'Welcome to Glastonbury' to everyone as they arrived. Emotional and special, I completely agree.
    1 point
  26. JCT600 Roundabout? 😂
    1 point
  27. I work in Horsforth. Have for 6 years. Still no idea.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, the big afternoon slot seems to start between 1 and 1.30.
    1 point
  29. I'm not doing very well on the competition attempts! I ordered 5 bars of the chocolate online the other week and thought I had chosen the Glastonbury bars, but when they arrived, they were just the normal bars - in those two flavours. I checked back at my order and found that I hadn't ordered the Glastonbury specials at all. Never mind, I thought, I will try some Brothers Cider. One of my local shops had the flavoured cider in bottles and it said "Win Glastonbury Tickets" so I bought two bottles. When I got them home I found out that they must have been stock from last year and the closing date was something like the end of May 2023! I really don't like the Toffee Apple cider, but my friend does, so she will be pleased! I've now ordered another 5 bars of chocolate online but it seems that maybe it would be too much to ask for a win, now that one has just happened from an online buy 😁 I've been searching for the tea too, but not found any in the Bath area!
    1 point
  30. f**k. first someone tells me the avalon cafe is going and now this. without those two things is it even glastonbury anymore?
    1 point
  31. It's all about Block9 and The Common now for me.
    1 point
  32. he is a bellend.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, i was only joking. Not joking about SS being a prized twat though!
    1 point
  34. Tickets for Good. Free membership available for anyone with an NHS email (staff and student), charities and those receiving cost of living benefits. They tend to get similar to several of the other seatfiller sites, plus some additional. Do ballots, discounted and free tickets (with small booking fee per ticket). All sorts, music, theatre, sport, beer festivals, comic con... Literally the best perk I have!
    1 point
  35. Exciting. Stone circle I reckon. Never going to go away for a long time so you can always visit, even when festival is not on, and take the kids (there'll be kids right) The stones will also absorb the love energy and release to others over time. Sorry went all hippy on the last bit
    1 point
  36. ah ffs! its the only positive interaction i've ever had with a betting company!
    1 point
  37. It looks like this! 😍 https://x.com/festsoundspod/status/1785992683711811737?s=46
    1 point
  38. Got one for a friend. I cheated slightly and enabled the "glastonbury" option in the drop down myself using dev tools, then pre clicked all the boxes. As soon as it went live i hit proceed and bam... 🙂 Good luck to those still trying
    1 point
  39. Pick a place thats particularly special to you for the proposal! - i dont want to sound like a right miserable twat but proposing on the hill by the Glastonbury sign on the weds night is not an original or special thing, there's people queuing to do the same thing 😄 if you're up there for more than fifteen mins you'll see a proposal or ten. A couple of friends of mine had their proposal up there, and that was great for them, but with each further proposal it becomes a little less individual! If you saw a particularly good set of your joint favourite band, then try and find that spot in the pyramid/truth stage/arcadia field and propose there, perhaps? or the patch where you first camped together at glastonbury? I dunno, maybe i'm not of the Instagram set and would prefer to see a bit more input than 'pick the place where everyone does it' . . . Edit: thats where you've mentioned! feel free to ignore me, i'm just some prick on the internet 😄
    1 point
  40. You were right about this one. Under the ASA it is law to have terms and conditions clearly displayed or linked.
    1 point
  41. Yeah there was no terms and conditions which is why I questioned it. Hopefully it was legit and someone wins!
    1 point
  42. This is so cheap and bad. How much cost do these stage require? Maybe the sum of the cheapest Main Stage artist..? Maybe. What can we expect at this point? I imagine visual installations will be sh*t either.
    1 point
  43. For tomorrow? You need to register for an account in advance (now!) and be logged in tomorrow at 11am. https://festivals.oxfam.org.uk
    1 point
  44. Bob Vylan and Billie Nomates are must sees for me. Excellent stuff.
    1 point
  45. lord have mercy... i wish i could remember what it even felt like to be approaching my 30's... (apologies for being absolutely zero help in the topic).
    1 point
  46. Currently just B&W available but the cancellation deadline is this weekend so expecting more to go on
    1 point
  47. I got it too, there's an accessible link from this page, part way down for the festival TRO https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/traffic-regulation-orders/
    1 point
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