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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2024 in all areas

  1. I can’t think of an artist with more success that I am more baffled by Some of the dullest music around it's only about money dreadful live he's a c**t
    4 points
  2. terrible live. over rated rapper who struggles to make a good album. kisses under age kids on stage and dms 13 yr old girls.... avoid.
    4 points
  3. First post here 👋 I've added the artists for Assembly & Glade to the spreadsheet, along with some mixes. Will try to add some more today..
    4 points
  4. @glastothingy gave me the heads up on Twitter. Four tickets in the bag (BA3 and BS39) - that's our entire gang sorted now. Unbelievable! I'm so excited x
    3 points
  5. Model Actriz, Mandy Indiana, Militarie Gun seem like good shouts
    3 points
  6. Especially since they cite a metastudy that does not in fact contradict anything he claims in that tweet. Running a pro-pubety blockers stance alongside allegations of racism and defending child molesters and has a very uneasy taste. It seems a lot like personal opinion on a topic completely irrelevant to the article itself was forced into it. The entire article also employs a weird lingo. "Far from the days of R***man, under heavy social pressure to conform, Steve went full performative Woke" "Prior to his death, Steve had been heavily lamenting what he saw as fascism in his role as a sort of left-liberal faux radical gatekeeper of alternative culture" This is not how you write in an investigative article. They toally got a point, but the language used suggests they are not after a balanced account for what he did (which undeniably is gross and inexcusable) but wanna do him in and create the biggest possible scandal. I would love for this type of blog-journalism to move beyond people being "problematic" and identify the societal problems at root.
    3 points
  7. Looks like the wall build has started on Cockmill Lane.. https://x.com/deebeedoobee/status/1788813860582904133?s=46&t=AQaHLi3ekEruo0QiBLbPxg
    3 points
  8. Saw this what3words list 'Glastonbury Crew Bars' posted, can’t vouch for the accuracy https://what3words.com/list/1609572371
    3 points
  9. Just in case a couple of you were wondering anything containing email adresses it asks for approval from mods … nothing personal 🙂
    2 points
  10. They are starting to build the site. It's all very real now!
    2 points
  11. Obviously too soon but would take this - Stick!
    2 points
  12. Thanks Ben, I have been lurking for quite some time so already well aware of it's podium standing 🥇
    2 points
  13. Saw that, conveniently forgetting last year's 3 week timescale. Must still be tinkering
    2 points
  14. cancelling my whole trip, fed up
    2 points
  15. So it's official - timetable next week (source: twitter).
    2 points
  16. Don't really see why sonar announcing their timetables would make a difference? It's a completely different festival
    2 points
  17. I would like to ask if anyone could spare a vote for my friend Dan, the last of our group of friends without a ticket, who’s design is Design One on the website, the Water Is Life groovy flower 🌻 https://www.wateraid.org/uk/win-glastonbury-tickets/thanks?token=yJDaS3ATO4eJ-QbBFfcA2s0fCeqvCaWEkBUX3aKlcZM I’ve attached proof that he put the hard graft in. He actually submitted lots of designs, he worked on it for days, and turned out Emily loved the flower enough to shortlist it! scribbled over the big sheet so it’s less easy to steal for next year
    2 points
  18. Just closing up the front.
    2 points
  19. Bumped into Gaspard and Xavier today. Nice fellas. Very much looking forward to Glastonbury. Told them they'll do well to top 2017 but to give it their best shot...
    2 points
  20. hello my darlings!😉
    1 point
  21. Guess we'll wait & see if this is finally the time eh?
    1 point
  22. One woman team at the moment - be hard pushed for my manager to say no. Normally it's booked 13 months in advance 😅
    1 point
  23. Will this be available in paperback?
    1 point
  24. The Royston Club should be popping up on one of the smaller stages ages this year, certainly one of the best indie acts about, especially live.
    1 point
  25. Sound quality was good last year. The main stage and second stage don't have bands on at the same time, so it isn't really an issue. The third stage does have bands on at same time as the others, but there was no issue. The final stage is more just a dj booth near the bars and restaurants and its a fair way from the three proper stages. We managed to get fairly close the the front for the acts we wanted to e.g. Blur, Arcade Fire, Hives, Foals. The bars are well located near the stages too :)
    1 point
  26. Croissant Neuf - Bandstand Good stuff!
    1 point
  27. A decent sack truck and plenty of strong bungees have never failed me. Just make sure you’ve got air in the tyres, you’ll need it.
    1 point
  28. I don’t always stick up for Starmer but his behaviour seems much better toward Europe than the current govt . I think he’ll get more traction . The small boats thing could be more easily solved through allowing safe and legal routes and proper processing , the govt allow it to remain to fuel the culture wars . Like the strikes that they could solve . They don’t because they use it to excuse their failures
    1 point
  29. Might just leave after Wildest Dreams ** ** okay I definitely won’t, but not exactly stoked about that final hour of mid albums, even if she does seem to have picked some of the more notable songs from both.
    1 point
  30. Keep at it. Would suggest making a playlist and trimming it down to the songs in the screenshot above as a starting point. It’s not ‘clicked’ with me and I love it, although don’t bother listening to around half of it.
    1 point
  31. Cut some of my favourites from folklore/Evermore + the archer 😞 gutted. really sad that last great american dynasty, tis the damn season, the 1 and The archer have been cut. I need to listen to the new album more. Feel swamped by songs to be honest the only 2 that stuck were Fortnight and Florida. Will try again.
    1 point
  32. Great stuff! It’s so good to hear success stories because of contacts on here.
    1 point
  33. Really obvious answer but Justice's live show is just on a total other level to their recorded material. Listen to Woman Worldwide and have your brains blown out. Hearing Hyperdrama blended into the mix is going to be something very special. FKA Twigs 2019 show is still one of the best things to ever happen at Primavera Sound. Came for the songs, stayed for the flaming sword dance. Balming Tiger are making a name for themselves mainly because of how fun their live show is. Definitely worth venturing to a smaller stage to watch them. Arca is going to have the hometown crowd and will play a true clusterf**k of sounds. Always special live. I am really curious how Troye Sivan is going to sound. His latest album has consumed me and I'm praying he does it justice.
    1 point
  34. And also Hannah Diamond is worth checking live even if PC music isn't one's cup of tea. I enjoyed her 2022 set much more than I had expected. And the crowd was completely into her: 20220609.mp4
    1 point
  35. Dice YLT https://link.dice.fm/8NPXI3sXtJb?sharer_id=565f576f63051f3365a045c9 Dice National https://link.dice.fm/MRASl1KXtJb?sharer_id=565f576f63051f3365a045c9 Dice Mountain Goats/Voxtrot https://link.dice.fm/m8ZySJMXtJb?sharer_id=565f576f63051f3365a045c9
    1 point
  36. Hero! Thanks for adding to the list
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. It’ll say whether it’s a valid code (mine was the same :))
    1 point
  39. the new one from ag cook is 1.40 h long. I’d say there is enough material for his 1 h bangers only electronic set at 4am
    1 point
  40. Thursday night, under the pseudonym "Dove", which they've just released a new track under
    1 point
  41. Are we talking about the same festival?! What percentage of the midline on the poster (subs) are new bands? And it’s a very middle class festival and people have higher disposable incomes than average. Confident it will sell out.
    1 point
  42. @WheresMyTent @Festival Sounds Podcast Why don't you do a joint podcast and interview each other?
    1 point
  43. Just realised there is an app available for this available through woov . I followed the Facebook link through the festival website and it was there 3/4 posts down they are yet to drop the full set times / stage splits but based on socials looks like it is coming very soon . They have been teasing it across last few days thought worth mentioning in case anyone else going was unaware
    1 point
  44. Time to dig out my fave seagull picture, again!
    1 point
  45. Saw Swim School in Glasgow last week and they were great. Think they’ve got a good future ahead of them. The front woman was superb.
    1 point
  46. Mdou Moctar pretty good and definitely not indie
    1 point
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