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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2024 in all areas

  1. Who else is currently doing f**k all at work?
    6 points
  2. Hi all, I posted in the comp thread but realised a lot may not see it so thought I’d start a new thread. I have the chance to dance onstage this year at the festival for the flash mob and I’d love all your support to get me there! I’ve been dancing since I was 3 and it would be a complete dream come true to perform at my favourite place in the world. If you have Instagram please like this post and comment with number 3 and my name 🎉🎉🎉 https://www.instagram.com/p/C66xX70twzl/?igsh=dnBvcHZmcWUybm4x Thanks all! (And please delete this if not allowed!)
    5 points
  3. Had enough of the camera, tent packed in the car, weather looks decent, we’re off to Somerset to see it with our own eyes😉😊
    5 points
  4. https://www.instagram.com/stories/wateraid/3367651728871716870/?hl=en JUSTICE IS SERVED! 😅
    4 points
  5. Michael Eavis just emailed me this. He said don't tell anyone but you guys will keep the secret right.
    4 points
  6. 😂😂😂😂😂 well that theory was debunked in record time. In fairness, I did wonder what Babylon Uprising had to do with an oil rig 25 miles off the Ghanaian coast
    4 points
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/C66xX70twzl/?igsh=dnBvcHZmcWUybm4x She’s picked it, number 3! Please comment number 3 and my name and like the post 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
    4 points
  8. Attention: Campervan East now available. Be quick: https://glastonbury.seetickets.com/content/extras @tedmaul @Shangri_Lard
    3 points
  9. Amateurs … need to get a hat specialist down there 🙂
    3 points
  10. YAS! Still a shame that he’s blocked someone else’s design from being in the final, but I’m so happy they removed him from the competition. Sets a good example for next year too 🙌
    3 points
  11. I got a reply to my daily DM chaser gif saying they were delaying it as they are enjoying receiving my gifs. Not sure if they are being sarcastic and I'm doing their heads in or they are genuinely enjoying messing with everybody.
    3 points
  12. Right. Feck it. Booked my flights and coach. I'm in.
    3 points
  13. Someone posted this in the discord. Days the timetables were released: 2023 - 11.5 (21 days before festival thursday) 2022 - 19.5 (14) 2019 - 08.5 (22) 2018 - 09.5 (22) 2017 - 05.5 (27) 2016 - 13.5 (20) 2015 - 08.5 (20) 2014 - 29.4 (30) "Two weeks like usual"
    2 points
  14. Jay Ppe. sorry, I’ll get my coat. I mean, hi vis. 😂
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Primavera I love you, but you're bringing me down
    2 points
  17. I assume everyone sniggered at this.
    2 points
  18. App just got a visual update 🍿
    2 points
  19. I apologise whole heartedly for the anxiety this will cause in many people... But Tickets 'should' be despatched this week or next. Via the in account tracker they're showing as 'in stock awaiting despatch' For 2022 the first despatched emails went out on the 20th May For 2023 the first despatched emails went out on the 18th May The festival is a little later this year, so I'm going to put my bets on by next friday (24th) for those first emails... Let the nervous waiting game begin!
    2 points
  20. Ground a little soggy in places but holding up, there's been rain since I got here yesterday!
    2 points
  21. The festival was much better years ago when nobody took drugs and everyone walked around in single file in an orderly manner.
    2 points
  22. Coked-up Picnic Blanket Brigade is the hybrid we all fear.
    2 points
  23. I'm veggie and have been spoilt for choice mate. Bearded has been our 'must do' festival of choice for last few years. Small but lovely site, take your own booze (but great bars), fab music...best of all once of the friendliest festival crowds you could hope for. You're in for an amazing weekend. Can get a bit parky at night though so bang in an extra quilt!
    1 point
  24. Lankum feel quite big for the auditori. Despite their music suiting it very well
    1 point
  25. yesterday, it's DJ set in boiler room
    1 point
  26. Midnight timetable reveals are very 2024.
    1 point
  27. With the magnificent Tramhaus already playing Primavera Pro, I can see them being added if needed. Best Dutch liveband at the moment, would be great for them to be given a podium.
    1 point
  28. Was only looking at this myself a while ago 🙂 This is on the official site :- UK TICKETS will be sent out by Royal Mail in late-May – June 2024. Tickets will be sent to the address specified when booking. A signature will be required at the point of the delivery. INTERNATIONAL TICKETS FOR THOSE IN THE EU will be sent out by registered international post, unless specified otherwise. You can track your international ticket order via www.royalmail.com by entering your Track and Trace number which is available via See Tickets’ order tracker. To access the order tracker you will require your email address and booking reference number. If it is likely you will set off for the Festival more than 28 days before the event commences, please contact See Tickets via their customer service portal to request ‘Box Office Collection’. INTERNATIONAL TICKETS FOR THOSE OUTSIDE OF THE EU, tickets will be for box office collection unless specified otherwise.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. This sounds like a job for Ben Gibbard
    1 point
  31. Ohhh thanks for the heads up! I need to remember that regardless, we we lucky enough to bag tickets and we'll be sleeping somewhere! 🙂
    1 point
  32. Last year we queued up at Gate B around 5:00am. We were in by 9:30am and Big Ground and most of Kidney Mead were already full. However, that might be down to Row Mead being closed for camping. Not sure what the situation will be this year. There was plenty of room in 2019 at the same time.
    1 point
  33. Thank you for your detailed response and some of it is certainly new to me. Firstly, I'm also of the opinion that to call it a genocide or ethnic cleansing is wide of the mark. There are Arab-Palestinians living in Israel (over 2 million) and they have all the rights (so, I have read so far) that Israelis do. They can vote, be elected into office, work as they choose etc. If Israel was really enacting genocide there would be far better ways of going about it than they currently are. Carpet bombing at will or not warning civilians to leave certain areas before they go in with ground forces. The worldwide average for urban warfare is the death of 9 civilians for every 1 combatant. If - a very big if, we were to trust the Hamas stats on how many people have died, we're looking at 2.5 civilians to 1 combatant death. Again, to me, none of that demonstrates a genocide or will to ethnically cleanse Gaza. As for Jewish people at protests against Israel's actions, I'm not saying that by virtue of being at the protests is antisemitic, but certainly there has been a running undertone across the globe from NYC to Sydney to London to Hamburg of antisemitism. You can watch multiple videos of people chanting en masse Death to Israel, Gas the Jews, calling for Jihad or Intifada. There is also a noticeable undercurrent of hatred for LBTQ groups who would like to support the Palestinians, yet they are turned on as well by their fellow protestors. Meanwhile, in Israel, they have the most progressive human rights for LGBT in the whole of the Middle East. About the hostage situation, it's true Hamas did offer to give back all the hostages if Israel agreed to not enter Gaza, but of course Israel would never have accepted that deal. Why would they? They just lost 1,400 innocent people - the majority of which weren't just killed, but women were gang raped and shot in the head as men climaxed, babies put in ovens, women thrown over pickups and paraded through streets with hundreds of people running after them cheering. It was like they were killing with a sense of happiness at all. There was absolutely no chance Israel was going to say, "Okay, you killed our people in the worst ways possible, give us back the 200 hostages and we'll call it quits." To compare it to the Ukraine-Russia war and why Russia is banned from the Euros or Eurovision etc, Israel didn't just decide one day to push into Gaza and start shooting. If Oct 7th hadn't happened, the Palestinians wouldn't be paying the price for their Hamas leaders' attack. And Oct 7th wasn't even the start of the resentment towards Hamas. Hamas has fired about eight thousand missiles towards Israel since they took power in 2007 and in the original Hamas Charter from 1988 they had a clear directive - The Preamble to the 1988 Charter stated: ″Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam invalidates it, just as it invalidated others before it″. It emphasizes the importance of jihad for the Palestinian question, adding that "initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavours." - Also highlighting perhaps why no peace deals or two-state solution has come about, because frankly, Hamas (and about 60% of the people in Gaza who support them, just want Israel to vanish completely). The revised Charter in 2017 tried to roll back on the antisemitism, but after a couple of decades of hatred, 8k rockets, and then October 7th and the gleeful barbarity of it all, Israel finally said enough is enough. I would say though that the settlements in the West Bank are hotly contested to their legality, that's true. But as it stands, there is no state there. If any of the negotiations over a two-state solution had actually come to fruition, I doubt the settlements would be still going up. Even now, the settlements only account for about 5% of the land in the West Bank. Not to mention Israel did remove some of the settlements in Gaza and the West Bank in 2005. And the last point, the screengrab from the Guardian, even they acknowledge the chant can be interpreted as being genocidal in that very same quote. My feeling is that unless the Palestinians actively protest Hamas instead of Jewish people like the singer at Eurovision, and hand back the hostages, and overthrow Hamas, there won't be peace in the area for a very long time. I do agree though for any two-state solution to work, the Israeli people also need to oust Netanyahu from power and install a more open-minded person at the top.
    1 point
  34. Underworld confirmed for the Sunday. Epic news. https://www.forwardsbristol.co.uk/
    1 point
  35. It holds up well. Of course there will be mud if it rains but not awful. The only place where is might get worse, unless they have sorted it which they might, is a small area in the Woodland. Walking boots and wellies re always advised though.
    1 point
  36. That's lovely for them! and lovely for me, cos i havnt heard a single note of it 😄 i can confidently predict i know exactly how it sounds, though . . . .
    1 point
  37. He's also playing the Levels on Sunday
    1 point
  38. Thank you @gigpusher🙌🏼
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Someone's just shared this in my group WhatsApp. Looks pretty real to me
    1 point
  42. Absolute belter of a record. They should be mental in Left Field. Ben
    1 point
  43. Welcome to eFestivals! I am sorry to say that you can't transfer to someone else and you have missed the cancellation deadline.☹️ Here are the terms and conditions - https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/accommodation/pre-erected-camping/official-pre-erected-campsites-accommodation-booking-terms-conditions/
    1 point
  44. I thought Disclosure were an outdated booking but then you come on here and see calls for Shed Seven on the Other 😱
    1 point
  45. They'd be great opening the Other.
    1 point
  46. I completed my first charity run event today for the Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust which is a neonatal unit at my local a hospital Medway Maritime. In 2022 my son was unexpectedly very poorly at birth and almost didn’t make it, thanks to the incredible team on the Oliver Fisher Ward he is with us today; a thriving and happy 2 year old little boy who attended his first Glastonbury Festival last year! 🤍 https://www.justgiving.com/page/charlotte-springate-1715255607184 I’ve definitely caught a group running bug and after running with 200+ others today, how do I sign up for the festival run?!
    1 point
  47. Right Team, I've made a start on the big excel spreadsheet. I won't have time to do every stage this year, so I've made this editable for anyone who would like to give a helping hand and contribute. I reckon between us we can cover it! Here's the link...... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MAURVZfABJD3RD0rSlQuKb0KkPwjxcpy/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102654520778015346586&rtpof=true&sd=true 1. Tabs at the bottom for each different stage 2. I've added Youtube sets, but if someone wants to add in Soundcloud or Mixcloud sets as well, then all good 3. Please don't erase any sets that have been added, if you want to add another set for an artist, just whack it in the next column along Thanks Ravers!!
    1 point
  48. Yard Act sounds like exactly why I go to this festival. Just sounds like a guaranteed good time. First time since 2019, last group to get tickets and got lucky in the resale. Can't wait.
    1 point
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