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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2024 in all areas

  1. Even with the advent of maps and tech, I'm still amazed how each year they're able to even make a decision on where to lay the first bit of structure in a huge field full of grass surrounded by fields.
    3 points
  2. It's almost time! Less than six weeks until the gates open, so it's time for this year's meet thread. A very official one this time 😎 The meet will take place at The Ridge & Furrow Bar in the Cabaret Field, at 6pm on Wednesday 26th of June. Thank you in advance to @Crazyfool01 who's kindly volunteered to orchestrate and represent eFests as I've not secured a ticket this year. We won't have the usual flag but we're open to any ideas to help identify the group. Maybe a new flag is needed, who knows! There may also be t-shirts and a competition so watch this space 😉 🎉 Competition Time! We'll be giving away free eFestivals t-shirts at the meet. Grab one, take a pic or reel of someone wearing it, and tag eFestivals (X: @eFestivals, Insta: @efestivals_official, TikTok: @efestivals). The poster with the biggest social engagement (likes + views + reposts) will win £100 transferred directly to their bank account. If you convince Shania, Chris Martin, or Dua to wear one on the pyramid, you may get a bonus 😉 Please don't go too wild though and don't get into trouble wearing an eFests t-shirt. We trust you're all a great bunch anyway 😎 The competition will close to new entries on Friday the 5th of July, and the winner will be selected, announced, and contacted via social channels on Monday the 8th of July 2024. Any updates to times and location will be added to this post.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Could all these Vampire films be a subtle way of telling us that Creeper will be playing at some point over the weekend?
    2 points
  5. Hoping with Shaun of the Dead and Baby Driver that Edgar Wright is around.
    2 points
  6. 😁 Any word on the 11:30 at Kempton?
    2 points
  7. I think it will be Killing Moon on the Woodland Walkway and the Woodlands Bar open on Wednesday, at a guess from mid afternoon. Food traders along Woodland Walkway along towards Meadow/Campsite will probably be open too, along with the campsite ones... Convoy is open too. Main Arena will be fenced off.
    2 points
  8. Ridge and Furrow bar will be open for everyone just as normal so if you're unsure of who to approach come along, grab a drink and simply mingle or linger on the periphery until you spot someone you recognise, or even anonymously check out some name tags until you see one you know. None of us bite so much better to introduce yourself to a name you recognise who can then help you out with your own name tag and help you find the folks you want to speak to than missing what will likely be a nice experience 🙂
    2 points
  9. I've added as many of the Glade Dome as I could find. Will aim to get The Glade, Nowhere and Platform 23 done this week. If anyone wants to chip in, feel free!!
    2 points
  10. how long have you been waiting to say that? i feel like you mightve had a better opportunity if you waited a bit longer. this is a bit of a stretch
    2 points
  11. Click on add files?
    1 point
  12. Obviously on here and decided to annoy me
    1 point
  13. This won't be universally true, but applies as a rough rule of thumb - before anything gets laid down, someone should have been around the field, working from said map and then marking boundaries out with little flags so that everyone knows where everything should go. If you keep a really close eye out at the festival, you'll probably see a few of the flags left in the ground especially around market stalls.
    1 point
  14. They're going to have to shift the board again.
    1 point
  15. Updated with Park Stage now.
    1 point
  16. There'll be summer wind alright if I get on the lager 😜
    1 point
  17. nearly there!
    1 point
  18. Difficult to tell with the angle and foreshortening. Might be more like this:
    1 point
  19. Just to let you know I have set up the WhatsApp group for the Monday meet up now. So drop us a message if you want added
    1 point
  20. i wouldn't worry too much yet, ive bought tickets off procrastinators in the past and they weren't transferred until a day or 2 before the event.
    1 point
  21. Ahhhh in my defence I have chat link saved and never go on any other sections 🤣
    1 point
  22. Times and specifics now live on the Official Site: https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/areas/pilton-palais-cinema/
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I award it my Glastonbury poster design 2024. It’s groovy baby!
    1 point
  25. I had second thoughts and gave it back. But just wait until they go to look for the G off the Glastonbury sign😊😉
    1 point
  26. Oh no sorry Raye and Coldplay
    1 point
  27. Is this Arcadia crew on site? Too early for it to be the spider isn't it, so will be watching here for clues!
    1 point
  28. Sure. Race abandoned due to a freak snow storm. Book it.
    1 point
  29. 0.48-12 minutes 0.31-7 minutes 0.36- 9 minutes 0.44-11 minutes 0.54- 13 minutes if anyone wants to know walking times from CV quiet East
    1 point
  30. I guess it's the same for WV and SL but Tangerine Fields residents have wristbands which are checked going into the site, which has a fenced perimeter. That wouldn't stop the most determined tent thief who could probably scale the fence at some point but it does add a layer of security that doesn't exist in general on-site camping. We've stayed in Tangerine Fields a number of times and to date have not heard of or witnessed any tent break-ins or the like.
    1 point
  31. N.E.X.T. W.E.E.K.
    1 point
  32. Thanks is that’s the only place they were? how did you find them? Was there room to sit outside , I read in one post there was no where to sit
    1 point
  33. Don’t really matter what creation they’ve come up with, priority should be improving the sound
    1 point
  34. Fk off am off to bed
    1 point
  35. I hope all the coked-up chompers and other douchebags f**k off to Peggy Gou, so that only the elite chill crowd will remain for Justice.
    1 point
  36. Usually just before 11.30pm
    1 point
  37. I don't think BigTow is a member on here, I saw it posted elsewhere and it was too good not to share!
    1 point
  38. Tuesday after bank holiday 10am Only saying that cos they have done it then loads which of course they won't now do.
    1 point
  39. Nah mate, you're just tedious to deal with and there's no point engaging with you for longer than I have to, seeing as your first tactic is to resort to name calling, kinda proving that you can't handle forum chats. You get wound up too easily, can't handle sarcasm or other forms of discourse apart from those you fully agree with. I was actually being light heartedly sarky with you on the first point as I clearly indicated I would NOT be going to Baggy Mondays again, before you said "Don't go then". I save my proper sentences for my published books and scientific papers. I'll make sure I keep the emojis for you - I have edited my first post to put a winking one in to make it abundantly clear. 😘 Last I say on the subject. Have a great day and apologies for not putting that wink in first.
    1 point
  40. Stage start times from the access guide: On Friday, live music begins at 15:00 with Radio 1 DJ's Matt & Mollie opening the Radio 1 Main Stage followed by Becky Hill at 16:00, Kenya Grace will open the Radio 1 New Music Stage at 16:45. The BBC Introducing Stage and Radio 1 Dance Stage both start at 15:00. On Saturday, live music begins at 13:00 with the Joel Corry opening the Radio 1 Main Stage. Alfie Templeman will open the Radio 1 New Music Stage at 13:15. The BBC Introducing Stage and Radio 1 Dance Stage both start at 11:30. On Sunday, Radio 1's Nat O'Leary kicks things off on the Radio 1 Main Stage at midday followed by AJ Tracey at 13:00. FIZZ will open the Radio 1 New Music Stage at 13:15. The BBC Introducing Stage and Radio 1 Dance Stage both start at 11:30.
    1 point
  41. Right. Feck it. Booked my flights and coach. I'm in.
    1 point
  42. Right Team, I've made a start on the big excel spreadsheet. I won't have time to do every stage this year, so I've made this editable for anyone who would like to give a helping hand and contribute. I reckon between us we can cover it! Here's the link...... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MAURVZfABJD3RD0rSlQuKb0KkPwjxcpy/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102654520778015346586&rtpof=true&sd=true 1. Tabs at the bottom for each different stage 2. I've added Youtube sets, but if someone wants to add in Soundcloud or Mixcloud sets as well, then all good 3. Please don't erase any sets that have been added, if you want to add another set for an artist, just whack it in the next column along Thanks Ravers!!
    1 point
  43. My go to coffee shop in Brighton is parked next to the halloumi place at pyramid.
    1 point
  44. Updated with Woodsies acts now
    1 point
  45. If you do decide to get one from a stall can recommend Proper Coffee, normally on path from Car Henge to West Holts
    1 point
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