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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2024 in all areas

  1. If Mannequin Pussy were playing they'd be in the line-up. Why would they go from listed to TBA, let along that the TBA was there on the last graphic? Walled Garden on Saturday. Updated: https://clashfinder.com/s/gm2024 Only other major change is Nadine Shah and Mary Wallopers swapping days.
    3 points
  2. I mean we're all armchair fans with subjective tastes, but when Jay-Z, 50-Cent, Busta Rhymes, Kendrick Lamar, Lil Wayne, Drake, J.Cole all say Eminem is one of the best rappers of all time, one of the best lyricists, or greatest influences on their own music, I reckon his music is probably still pretty decent and a worthy headliner.
    2 points
  3. NIN doing the O2 in London next year apparently as per someone who heard from the promoter of Download Fest. If that's true I could definitely see them at Primavera.
    2 points
  4. or you adapt it to get it working again
    2 points
  5. Missed leftfield set but caught them in shangri la / peace stage on Sunday night late on. Very enjoyable and credit for a particularly ambitious bit of crowd diving at the end. Climbed up above where the sound desk was opposite the stage and went in from a quite a height with reasonable air-time ha
    1 point
  6. guess that saves them a few quid next year ... hows those PP negotiations going ?
    1 point
  7. Oldham's in Glasgow on the day. Sam Amidon has to be very likely. This is a long shot but Jeffrey Lewis has a day off his UK tour, albeit between Coventry and Stockton-on-Tees which would be quite a detour.
    1 point
  8. I listened to a bit of it - and yeah - it's garbage. The Houdini single is painful. However, BOOH2 has Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through on it, which absolutely owns.
    1 point
  9. Sorry - was meaning more the tunes themselves and the production. Obviously a lot of the content is rancid too. However, not sure it's rancid enough for the powers that be to see it as a blocker to booking him.
    1 point
  10. Did you lose it while out and about ? If so roughly which area of the site ? Or did it disappear from tent ? They posted yesterday that they are still reuniting lost property with owners so all might not be lost yet
    1 point
  11. The internet dies on the day my band releases our single. FFS. 🤣
    1 point
  12. There are rumours* that when Julia Holter sings 'Betsy on the Roof' live the gates of heaven open up and the angels swoon. *I may have started those rumours
    1 point
  13. I have never been that early to any day but often try to turn up in time for the "early special guest" but never that bothered about getting to the barrier. Although, the other year walked up to it to watch James with no problem. Although, one year I went very early about 11.30 as Mary Walloppers were supposed to be on main stage around 12 but did not turn up and there was only a handful of people any where near the main stage. A bit annoyed by the no show as it makes it a stupidly long day, the only plus was I ended up discoverying Crystal Tides. Early on the site and front of the main stage is often sparse but gets busier as the day goes on. I would imagine Friday would be fairly easy to get to the barrier if in early. Or will Louis Tomlinson throw all that out of the window and will Murder Capital and The Snuts play to record crowds.
    1 point
  14. Suits you, zir.
    1 point
  15. Maybe get in touch with the two other Glastonbury hat people and set up Glasto Hats Inc.
    1 point
  16. Massive Attack Dua Lipa Kraftwerk Forest Swords Jon Hopkins Grace Jones
    1 point
  17. We are Settlers this year and having to pop home on Tuesday so will take pics and post on here then - unless someone beats us to it. Can't do it from site cos will have no signal if Three is usual in that area.
    1 point
  18. Yes, I've been there before. You won't have any issues with parking, as there are large parking areas close to the campsite. The distance from the campsite to the concert area is a bit longer, but everything is well connected despite the limited signage. On another note, I understand that Girl in Red is currently more popular than IDLES. I would prefer it to be as you mentioned, with IDLES closing the festival since they are one of the main reasons I'm attending. However, I don't think that will be the case, as bands usually perform in the order listed on the lineup.
    1 point
  19. Usually published in the programme which Settlers can buy - and normally some kind soul puts pics up here so us mere mortals can get the times early in the week!
    1 point
  20. @Yoghurt on a Stick They could be a little more flexible on this. There have been Oxfam stewarding vacancies for Shambala for quite some time. They may not even meet their quota. I’ve emailed them several times, so they know I’m keen.
    1 point
  21. Gate P is closer to the stage in walking distance than any of the standard entrances, with the possible exception of the accessible entrance.
    1 point
  22. Advisory at the moment is not to take as gospel and print off. Keep an eye on it for further tuning until nearer the time.
    1 point
  23. https://clashfinder.com/s/vic2024/
    1 point
  24. This would be a great balance.
    1 point
  25. Id suggest Saturday and Sunday will be fine but the Louis Tomlinson fans will be charging on Friday!
    1 point
  26. Depends very much on how many fans of any particular band are going to camp out on barrier for the day. By using gate P, you'll definitely have the advantage as you'll have a free run through there and round the corner to the stage.
    1 point
  27. The Mary Wallopers. There'll be dancing.
    1 point
  28. I'll be front and centre for bdrmm and Mannequin Pussy
    1 point
  29. ill be shakin all i got to omar souleyman
    1 point
  30. Also anyone got any recommendations for bands that absolutely slap live? I'd like to dance, have a cry, feel weirded out, stand in awe. Anything that evokes strong emotions of any kind is welcome!
    1 point
  31. For me Nine Inch Nails Nabiyah Iqbal Joanna Newsom The Avalanches Radiohead
    1 point
  32. As a Dutch guy I had to put Tramhaus here... Put in Fontaines DC, Sprints, FKA Twigs and Portishead as well
    1 point
  33. You never, ever give up! Easy for me to sale bc I live 20mins away. But tele ladders are £80 on amazon & god loves a tryer.
    1 point
  34. The app also has all the performers on it, while the mini guide has maybe 10%
    1 point
  35. Dont think so as the previous shared Bicep social media post had Chroma and Album 3 demos as separate things
    1 point
  36. this thread reminded me to pack away this years programme and cloth bags, so i dug out the guides i have stashed over the years, missing a few, i guess they were in a scrapped caravan back in the day, but i don't know where my 2022 one is ^ 2000, 2004, 2005,2007 ^ 2002 ^ 2008, 2009, 2010 ^ 2011, 2013, 2014 ^ 2015 2016 ^ a threadbare coverless 2017 🙂 ^ 2023
    1 point
  37. The app can get f**ked I didn't even download it, I used clashfinder. But I agree with @shuttlep, like I said in the other thread, they should put the magazine / program thing in the merch stands and charge £5 for it. Then give us lanyards with the mini programs for free.
    1 point
  38. Glad it's not just me. Indescribable disappointment when the alarm goes off.
    1 point
  39. ...you're moved on by security from dancing outside the burger joint in St Pancras station
    1 point
  40. Definitely not AS big, but he's one of those artists that has a pretty big following and a few tracks like Red Right Hand and O Children that have featured in Peaky Blinders and Harry Potter. He'd get Kylie for Where The Wild Roses Grow too. The key point is that he's so good live, he'd pull it off. Personally, I don't think they WOULD get that slot, but they'd have as big if not bigger crowd than Kendrick/Metallica and be received even better than those excellent sets. Would be a bold call, but a victory for music.
    1 point
  41. ...you're still looking at your Coldplay wristband to see if it flashes.
    1 point
  42. I could play Happy Birthday with the spoons for 2 hours and it'd draw a bigger crowd than SZA.
    1 point
  43. You put flags in front of your tv completely obscuring your view and pretend like it adds to the atmosphere of your favourite shows.
    1 point
  44. Sampa the Great Chaka Khan Aphex Twin
    1 point
  45. I was there too - loved their set! Also stumbled upon a couple of Circus Field performers, dressed up as Freddie Mercury and Monserrat Caballe, miming along to Barcelona... at midnight-ish on the Saturday night... in the stream under the bridge at the south Circus exit. They were performing it in a little boat, with candles all around... a cool moment for the 20 of us watching - you actually had to look over the bridge to see them, so wasn't intended for a huge audience.
    1 point
  46. People saying they don’t want pop and saying they want Green Day 😂 They’re dreadful
    1 point
  47. The security guy who turned my festival around. Long story short (wait, it's me, I'll try). After an already over traumatic few days I'd pretty much written off the rest of my festival after Coldplay finished. Another shift on Sunday 11-7 to do. The way I saw it, it was back to camp after that, a trip to the car and back which I reckoned would take at least two hours, given that it was dragging a trolley pretty much all uphill from just beyond Gate C to Gate B, and then to the purple car parks beyond the ice cream van and then left and up that bloody hill*. There was no way I was going to get out if I tried to do two trips on the Monday morning after a Sunday night out at Glastonbury. Thought I'd be going straight to bed after that given the lack of sleep all festival. Sure enough I struggled. Took me about an hour to get to gate B. I was counting my steps. Fifty at a time and I was knackered and had to stop for breath. probably spent more time resting than dragging. Took me about an hour to get to gate B. It was then said security guy (who I think was policing entry into the Oxfam camp) noticed me struggling and offered to help, took my trolley and dragged it to the car park for me. He was fast. I struggled to keep up with him even without the trolley. Rescued my festival. I was back at camp by nine and made Leftfield only missing a bit of Bob Vylan. Went on to have one of my most memorable Sundays ever. Honestly felt blessed. Like my reward for a rather trying week . God is not a DJ. He's a security guard. ______________ * The new Hill Of Death. It used to be from Gate C the campervans. Then it was the Worthy View hill. Now it's that bloody hill to the uppermost purple car parks dragging a loaded f**king trolley.
    1 point
  48. Calling bullshit, not a single Twix eaten in 31 hours of trying. How did he sustain himself?
    1 point
  49. I don't know what type, but do know that I want some.
    1 point
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