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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2024 in all areas

  1. Wasn’t too bad some big puddles and pretty muddy in places sawdust down but no woodchip … cmat superb and will be playing next year I’m told . But not sure that’s a massive surprise . It rained lightly a few times mate didn’t even bother putting coat on
    4 points
  2. Renewed gold for another year! So if you’re considering going gold don’t be shy, go for it. Money well spent! 😊
    2 points
  3. Go on, click the link^ and join us. We're not that scary....well there may be a couple of exceptions😁 You can actually join and listen silently with no webcam on you, so no pressure. Got to be worth a shot? I'm about to join now, first time for yonks.
    1 point
  4. Would love this as the opener after 15 years. It's good to be back
    1 point
  5. CMAT never fails to win people over. Dragged 10 others with me to her Woodsies set - all converted. Booked tickets to her Brighton show Nov 23 and brought along another 5 - now converts too. She'd smash a pyramid set.
    1 point
  6. They can set the system up how they want and not have it work how it does over here. As you have noticed, when the remaining inventory hit a level, the cost went up. So its pretty easy to have the price change again as fewer tickets remain. its also harder to see these changes on the Uk Tm site because the seat map isnt activated for a while. But I personally saw the prices keep going up during the sale. It wasnt by much, but it happened. They were also capped anyway. Outside of Vip, it didnt go higher than just under £500 each. Its Much easier in America to look at real time changes of tickets and to see whats platinum and what isnt right from the start. Youre not hoping you get a good seat, youre picking it yourself. The algorithm does exist though. They can be choosing to not use it in the uk and europe because this current system just works better and keeps them out of trouble. I would welcome everyone to try an American ticket onsale for a big group just to see the madness and constant changes happening within minutes. btw, if youre buying tickets in new york, this is what you see before purchasing
    1 point
  7. A buggy and a few folk at the pyramid, might sound a bit mad but is that a wedding dress? Might explain the tent at the stone circle
    1 point
  8. She needs to put this design on a t-shirt.. https://cmat.terrible.group/products/cmat-country-music-silk-scarf
    1 point
  9. I have been part of large groups ( the original one disappeared so I was fortunate to find another) since 2009, with a very good success. I failed for the 2016 festival but was fortunate to win tickets via eFestivals. I failed again for the 2022 festival and got a place stewarding for Oxfam. I have also bought a lot of tickets for others in the group. It's very important that you only join one group and by being in a group of 6 for the general sale will bring better success. 😊
    1 point
  10. Ha. Liam is famous for winding people up.
    1 point
  11. i wish she would turn up on time and not do the "oh my mic got cut off" schtick every set she ever plays. how do people fall for this sh*t
    1 point
  12. Linkin Park is doing another festival.
    1 point
  13. They did, but joking about headlining the Friday night... As in top of the bill last night
    1 point
  14. An arena tour would be great although when she played the Liverpool arena a few years ago the set was about 50 minutes with no support act so she’d need to turn it up a bit especially with the prices being charged these days. Frustrating when she’s not released a bad album and has so much material, even then it was the Lust for Life tour so could’ve easily added plenty of songs to the set list.
    1 point
  15. I think that the lateness at Reading was not caused by her intentionally coming out late. All the accounts I read attributed it to the production build which needed longer to turn around between acts. It was a really big stage set up so I can understand that. I would love lana to have a chance at headlining glasto. She is big enough to do it. I don't even think the lateness of 2023 would be an issue tbh because that would be managed differently for a pyramid headline slot. I don't think a county album is the right time for her to do it though so it would be some way down the line and popularity could change so like maybe in like 3-5 years if she is still this big or bigger.
    1 point
  16. I suspect we would have heard by now if it was going back to an October sale. Would say more likely November again.
    1 point
  17. CMAT was the real headliner anyway. The only weird thing was her not being on the Pyramid this year too.
    1 point
  18. Well in fairness there is room for all sorts of tastes at End of the Road. You don't have to like Bonnie Prince Billy, although personally I thought he was wonderful. Just on a point of fact though, Spotify listeners are a particularly unreliable guide to Bonnie Prince Billy's popularity, given that the vast majority of his discography is not available there.
    1 point
  19. Her upcoming album Lasso will be a country album. I'm guessing she's planning on doing a set of that album, and that's why she's not looking to headline.
    1 point
  20. Imagine going to a wonderful festival like EOTR full of interesting, creative music. Then you come away and one of the first things you do is check the number of listens on Spotify. There is no word for the sadness I feel for you. I would though direct you to the Leeds/Reading festival which may appeal more to your tastes.
    1 point
  21. Never take anything said by ITK people as a certainty 😅 They are definitely one of the bands in the mix to headline and it looks promising for them at least!
    1 point
  22. My names Lee I've been Glasto 4 times and I can't imagine a summer without it now (other than fallow year)! It really is the best place on earth! Lucky enough to be there for some big moments like the Who few years ago,Ed Sheeran, Elton last year
    1 point
  23. I'm not sure this is entirely right, quite a literal way to look at it Tickets have gone up in price but are still pretty comparable with most other major fests. I see it more as they are trying tiers to help shift tickets faster - in the same way superstruct fests do. I see it as more like getting 1 person to pay 250, 1 to pay 300 and 1 to pay 350 rather than them all just paying 300.
    1 point
  24. I don't listen to him much these days But I though he was absolutely stunning
    1 point
  25. Gutted that Royel Otis isn't available as an option on Wishmachine. One of my favourite acts from this year and turnout for them was bigger than the stage allowed tbh. A move up to Freedome/A38/Revolut would have been great for 2025.
    1 point
  26. Yea, the booking fees are ridiculous. In the old days, EOTR used to make a big thing about not agreeing with them and therefore not charging them. But this was in the days of proper paper tickets (sometimes with added fridge magnets!) presumably sent out by EOTR themselves, before TicketSellers took over the ticketing.
    1 point
  27. If you are thinking of joining / forming a group (here or elsewhere) for ticket day, this is what I think it's worth knowing in advance: Obviously, the main appeal is to boost your odds of success, which it will (with no guarantees). This comes with some requirements. By the same logic of wanting others to help you out, you'll need to commit to buying other people's tickets alongside your own. This relies on an element of trust that you will buy a ticket / pay a deposit and someone will pay you back straight away (or vice-versa). It can also really mess the group up if one of your mates manages to buy your ticket for you on the day and leaves the rest of your group in limbo, so it's important that you are in one group and one group only (and of you have helpers trying on your behalf on the day, they're also trying for anyone you're committed to helping in the group you've joined). If you're not comfortable sharing your reg details and postcode, buying for internet strangers who will then pay you back, joining a WhatsApp group etc, then you're probably best going solo or sticking to an in-person group of people you know and trust in real life. On the other hand, imagine you snag a ticket in the main sale. Are you going to log on for the resale and hammer F5 in the hope of buying 6 x full price tickets for that one group of random strangers that missed out first time round? If so, we have some spaces in our group for next year...😀
    1 point
  28. My ideal headliner would be Gerry Cinnamon. After seeing Blossoms recently think they are ready to step up to Headliner level - certainly a step up from Paulo Nutini and Jamie T this year. Would like to see Wolf Alice on the bill and also Fontaines DC but think their stock will be too high for Tramlines. On the undercard would like to see Red Rum Club, The K's, Inhaler, Shed Seven and Ocean Colour Scene a the Heritage acts, Royston Club and Rianne Downey. Maybe someone like Rick Astley or Girls Aloud for the Sunday Headliners, although at a wedding that day so hopefully a bad line up 😁
    1 point
  29. 1995 - My first, and still the best !
    1 point
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