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  1. Was absolutely rotten last year. Sweating, shivering. Cough. Blocked Nose. Vomiting. Had to take my car to an MOT as well and it was a waiting appointment so sat on the wall outside and thought I was dying. Booked it in before this year. And managed to avoid all sickness. Took vitamins this year and a nose spray so hopefully that helped.
  2. Probably because they turned the exit sign the correct way by this point as there was an exit to the tarmac road just in the next field, but instead they initially sent us up the field in to the gridlock before I got out and noticed the free-flowing traffic behind me.
  3. Not really a 'celeb' but Greg James was out and about amongst the crowd for a lot.
  4. Left Pink 47 at 6.45am and it was an absolute sh*t show. Stewards had a sign that said turn left. So I joined the queue. Didn't move for nearly an hour as cars on the adjacent rows kept joining. There was a main pathway up ahead and they were all flowing out and all seemed to forget the Glastonbury spirit and wouldn't let out row merge. Why are there not stewards on every junction to stop and start cars with a traffic light system? After an hour I stood up out of my car, turned around and could see the road behind us now had a sign pointing all cars exit a different way. So not sure if the original steward cocked it up. I told the car behind and we all turned around and went backwards. This field had an exit on to the tarmac road a couple of yards away and we all flowed out in seconds. Piss poor planning and traffic management.
  5. I thought it was a bit of a scam tbh. Lots of venues only having the 'child's' meal as £6 is a bit of a cop out. Didn't find the prices to be too extortionate though for a festival.
  6. monday

    Not up to it?

    Very much similar. Had a fairly bad breakup of a 7 year relationship. Moved homes. Job is really getting me down. Been abso burnt out to the point I visited the GP a couple weeks back. Bloods all fine so maybe it is genuinely just burnout. Either way been so fatigued I'm not sure I will enjoy but I've gone through the motions and packed everything ready. Just feels a bit auto pilot currently. Hopefully being on site will change things. No words of advice sorry but you're not alone.
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