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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Twitter an absolute cess pit today . Just hope at some point he ditches it 😞
  2. I thought it had gone .... before that overtake we didnt see
  3. Some ride this if Pidcock pulls it off
  4. fantastic 🙂 presumably from inside the barrier ? do you get time limits or can you stay there entire set ?
  5. hopefully will help with retention and morale
  6. so when's this first Gold arriving ?
  7. What the funk … ? Another medal
  8. Damn that didn’t work out …
  9. USA having a mare in cycling … 3 crashes and the mechanic doing the bike changes has hit the deck twice . Think I’d be giving up at that point 🥹
  10. Coldplay followed 12 tennis players a few days back
  11. Mona Lisa not reappeared has she ?
  12. Those damn athletes recording it on phones
  13. Towels being delivered
  14. Horse impressive .. no whips needed either
  15. Hope he’s insured . That looks dodgy . Need to figure that out for next hat
  16. Nice moves … this is better ..
  17. Do feel sorry for em … that weather is absolute shite
  18. Shoddy camera work from beeb … I’m gonna take over with iPhone … they keep filming above heads for some reason when the go to barges
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