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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Possibly rushed into it by Jamie carragher and Gary Neville confirming on their behalf though so it was pretty well out there anyway
  2. From memory most posters come between 8-9 , there is the no pattern thing of course
  3. Same … hoping justice is on then
  4. So doesn’t appear like it’s going to be today then 😞
  5. Yep hence the fencing off of the field back to sound stage and the dumping of the old school straw at the front to absorb it . Wood chip must be cheaper these days .
  6. Anyone playing that slot would have been on a hiding to nothing tbh , I quite liked the speech though and the words very much resonate
  7. because building bridges seems so last year
  8. surely tethering phone to laptop would be fine , vodaphone and or EE sim and you'll be good ..... most of the hoards of people havent arrived but the networks will be setup ready to go .
  9. I’ve got next week off for the hat build so I’m hoping for something Monday to give me some playlists for the week
  10. On James fanzone on fb .
  11. Might need to sit down for this one James self confirming in Manchester this eve thanks @Funkyfairy!for the nod confirming on own fb page
  12. What’s the point in my MP an environment minister voting against policy’s that protect the environment its bonkers … she’s currently posting videos about the clean water areas having voted for sewage dumping . It beggars belief
  13. just had a quick k look to see what the portion of free votes is ... couldn't see it
  14. but I guess he wasn't consulting constituents on every vote so renders it kind of pointless
  15. they all tow the party line anyway , my MP has done that in every vote . but get what you are saying
  16. surely they can force a by election somehow and remove him but I guess thats really not in the Tory party interests at the moment , having him in reform might be better
  17. so would it not make sense to withdraw whip ? can that not force one ? surely theres ways .... I guess Bridgen is still sat there as an independent
  18. suprised its taken this long , so if he jumps to reform does it mean another by election ?
  19. even that has been swept under the carpet
  20. we are never really shocked because every option gets examined in depth and the pool of possibles is limited
  21. there wasn't an efest comp last year , possibly not the year before either .
  22. Why are we sticking to Fridays ? Could be any day of the week
  23. Don’t think you’ll be a million miles away with this … either Fri Mon or Tue would be my thoughts
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