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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Don’t think you’ll be a million miles away with this … either Fri Mon or Tue would be my thoughts
  2. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    played Pilton party too so a good bet
  3. id rather Labour got on and did stuff before the cost and consequences make it umpteen times harder , if only there was an agreement on this amongst all parties and it wasn't party political . we could have been a world leader yet we will trail along behind everyone else
  4. if you check the poll theres even some Russian interference
  5. don't remember this at all , but so it was https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/the-result-of-the-flag-poll/
  6. Crazyfool01


    French farmer protest put the wrong postcode into sat nav’s ?
  7. Crazyfool01


    Trying to excite Tory mps
  8. Ah ok how did you give the stand by your beds nod ?
  9. Pretty likely it seems . Hopefully truss and Braverman next but think Anderson action will be to take the heat out of it .
  10. Anderson rightly suspended the c**t
  11. Could justice still be Sunday or have we settled on the day order ? Willing this to be against Stevie as Im not so bothered having seen him last time
  12. Crazyfool01


    id end up taking the webcam out ... wouldn't be popular
  13. Own up … who has the webcam Twitter account ?
  14. Crazyfool01


    dont worry you'll be identifying the track laying vehicles in no time
  15. Crazyfool01


    its the usual place for parking for the shoot .... we sometimes get a bit misled that somethings happening up there during the build when it turns out to be the shoot , cant remember the name of it but dates often get posted in this thread .
  16. Aye 🙂 who knows … can remember it being the case last year but can’t remember timings … it prompted west holts early release mid month didn’t it ? And how early it was spotted
  17. Cat is out the bag sadly .
  18. All thinking is very much accepted there unless it becomes personal
  19. quelle surprise ... amazed ofcom hasn't shut this sh*t down yet
  20. needs to be turned into paper before they put the news on it
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