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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Yeah fair I’m a tad cynical these days . Age thing and hearing the Coldplay thing yesterday was a windup there’s a shed load of it about
  2. I dunno might go the opposite way . Saw her in JP and other … wonder where she might go . Think she’d be decent mid afternoon fare on Pyramid .
  3. She missed last year didn’t she but is pretty often on the lineup
  4. nice 1 ... and thanks for the work with FMS
  5. isnt the SNP motion/ amendment or whatever what they've been backing all along ? and surely labour could have gone with that if there wasn't much difference ?
  6. how so ? not quite figured this out yet .... I mean yeah ive seen they walked out .... think I need this simplified 🙂
  7. pathetic isnt it ... cant figure out quite whats happened but these are grown adults supposedly representing us
  8. 1 bomb or 10 still saves lives … still makes a difference to those under them fraction or not . Pressure will and is growing .
  9. Yeah probably … just the same people will go on about the lazy . If they all back it and prevent munitions delivery’s it is significant and pressure mounts , although I guess just this country on its own might not be decisive , a collective will
  10. Always amazes me to look at the benches during some of these debates and how empty they are at points … massive issue this yet one side of the house is pretty sparsely populated
  11. I wasn't meaning over this conflict tbh just meant hes damn useless at PMQs and doesn't appear to have a backbone
  12. hes dreadful ... dont know if anyone would complain about that ....mind you with this lot im sure it could get worse
  13. yep likewise 🙂 neil seemed to regularly have a nod so hopefully thats just transfered over
  14. embargoed press release is my guess ?
  15. I mentioned it to him the other day so fingers crossed .
  16. still hoping for the stand by your beds pre warning from @eFestivals
  17. we must be due another by-election .... we've gone at least 24hours without one being announced
  18. That symbol cant be anything else can it ?
  19. it definitely is ... @Gnomicide said so a few days back
  20. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    This thread is relatively short because of the early information …. Once the headliners get announced it will become quieter as there is no speculation . I’m pretty sure we’ve had well over 1000pages on this thread in other years
  21. I’d prefer to stay clear of the runs at Glastonbury
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