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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    this .... in which case it doesn't mean a coldplay announcement .... we've seen images like that on the cam several times .... maybe birds .... but manifesting those into coldplay images is a bg push
  2. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    any links to it ?
  3. Wonder if you’d say that to a couple of my colleagues parents that we’ve sadly lost to mental health in the last few years .
  4. Anyone would think there might be huge numbers on nhs waiting lists , decimated mental health services and people suffering long covid
  5. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    @Avalon_Fields if youd not seen this
  6. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    theres a few more to go on from last couple of days
  7. I did consider that but decided on 2 lighter Pyramids ( I hope ) .... maybe next year if the chems play I will do an other stage one as ive got the perfect screen animations for it
  8. someone tell me Fiona bruce isnt a tory this is absolute Bias , Tim Davey on the board , and kuensberg is clearly a Boris fan
  9. maybe would be a good revenue generator .... hope not though quite like the camping up there apart from the exceptionally big headliners where it becomes a necessity
  10. thread bump ... given the talk in headliner thread today
  11. And then the rain came …. Was a lovely morning at least
  12. Started breaking down the old pyramid so I can attempt to recycle ♻️ some parts
  13. Wonder what the cost comparison would be … was actually discussing this last night randomly as @vintagelaureate sent a video of his trip to euro disney
  14. Don’t know what the webcam is showing but the ground will soon dry out with temperatures like this … it’s mad for middle of feb . Don’t know if it’s good or bad though
  15. And every year we have a site changes thread 🙂
  16. and Glastonbury will likely have something new to replace the spider / crane that Reading dont have ... cant win them all
  17. youve already posted in it here Although it doesn't look the most active thread
  18. itll be lower down sure ... but Labour infighting which the press will have a field day over ( and obviously are already) will impact if its still ongoing ) .....
  19. Surely different things impact areas differently … so in some areas this will be more of a thing . Rochdale presumably being one where it’s an issue
  20. Think this might be a hint there will be a competition
  21. tomorrow for the hatrick of consecutive day announcements then 🙂
  22. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    what an amazing tribute this was .... shed the odd tear
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