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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    not totally nondescript for bits of plastic but think ill go for it
  2. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    so im safe to order the Coldplay lego men ? Im not sure Madonna is ever going to get used now sadly ... I went too early on that one
  3. 1 hour and we should have some happy people on this thread 🙂 good luck everyone
  4. nah cocktails and dreams was where the Guardian lounge was unless that was a previous version
  5. pair of horrible c**ts betting on the outcomes of migrants lives , how low have they sunk
  6. ok @Ozanne who on this thread do you think votes Tory ? just easier to say rather than a generic some people comment
  7. its reality not an excuse .... who are the some because im just not seeing it ? this thread I doubt will win the election
  8. All a bit quiet round here ...
  9. the sh*t show of the tory party is a given though .... so people dont question it so much, people just aren't surprised any longer what they get up to . The green policy should be agreed by all parties tbh and they shouldn't be able to change it . should just be locked in .
  10. they question both but id suggest you aren't hiding that in any way
  11. and the loop continues ..... how many times have people destroyed or given strong opinions about the f**kING Tory party , the comments are because labour as looking like a realistic new govt ( which is good ) but people using brains and questioning the opposition policy make sense otherwise this thread would have no discussion . people dont have to state they dislike the tory party every time they question labour policies , I take that as pretty much a given from 99% of the people posting here
  12. just sell off a load of the royal land .... saves us money as taxpayers , more into the pot for spending and more land for social housing
  13. posters morning and eve remember , but mostly between 8-9
  14. shed just put it later in the set anyway ?
  15. its not worthy farm without a side eyed Fresian cow
  16. Manifesting a this week announcement please Emily
  17. if it isnt there will be one almost Guaranteed they been doing giveaways for many years now so dont expect this year will be any different
  18. Saw them in club dada I think many many years ago …. Bloody loads of them
  19. is this thread anything to do with this ? if not im clueless
  20. if anyone has any spare from 02 onwards that are just stuffed in a drawer somewhere that they dont intend to use ..... and want them to go to a loving home I would love a DM as im looking for some for this years hat .... the ones ive got are glued to my previous one and cant be removed sadly . Thanks
  21. that would be paradise
  22. The fact he’s 16ft 3 makes him stand out also 😀
  23. f**k it I’m voting Lib Dem now
  24. Can’t answer … I’m 47 🙂
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