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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Shoddy camera work from beeb … I’m gonna take over with iPhone … they keep filming above heads for some reason when the go to barges
  2. Looking better now the lights are coming on … best flag so far Kosovo … best outfit Monaco with where’s Wally impression . Actually scrap that Mongolia good effort
  3. At least they don’t have mud to deal with
  4. The Seine looks choppy
  5. Yep not good …. Off to weather thread to check
  6. Yep agree … still early days though . Is one thing that we seemed to do well here … maybe rose tinted glasses on though
  7. is this bbc coverage now part of the 4 hour opening ceremony ? edit it is ... just took a while to get going
  8. ive got insoles made too . has solved it
  9. I had these recommended by my foot specialist for support and to help with my plantar fasciitis they are really good
  10. Ha maybe … but maybe work for a ticket next year to change things up a bit . Although that would mean camping minus mates which wouldn’t be ideal
  11. Framed some memories of an amazing year and one of my favourite photos I’ve taken … bar the bells which is now nearly gone . Festival just gone was near perfection for me
  12. Christ we’d not cope without the Twitter links 😉
  13. Cycling probably my favourite and badminton but if I’m reading right the bbc coverage is not gonna be great this time which is weird as I thought it was protected . Fortunately I’ve got a mates account for discovery plus . I’d probably have paid for 1 month anyway
  14. photo of when I moved in on previous page .... was walled but that was covered by cane role fencing . not so many bees this year sadly I think the wet weather has impacted early in the year but a few out today
  15. Ribbon Tower will always be a favourite on this thread 🙂 queue is usually maybe half hour grab an icecream listen to whatever is on at Park , it soon goes down
  16. stand corrected , he was a lose cannon as a tory though putting its politely ... I guess if 3 say it becomes party policy !!
  17. every case should be judged individually , thats the importance of clearing backlogs .... id imagine they want to come here because family members are also here . Someone I know works closely with refugees and recently quite a few arrived from various South American countries , we need to get it out our heads that these people are of some threat to us when migration has economic benefits , we also need to be making moves to house them which it seems is starting to happen
  18. Lee Anderson seems to say the first thing that pops into his thick skull ... not sure he follows any party line
  19. Crazyfool01


    Might have deliberately delayed slightly during Coldplay 😀
  20. Wish the press would take them through some of what the echr does and ask them line by line if they would like to change these things ? !!!
  21. walk across the pyramid stage during / before a performance become a walkabout act Say hello to Emily Eavis Buy Chris Martin a pint from the cider bus edit …. Am I aiming too high ?
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