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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I really hope so .... big year for politics on both sides of the ocean ... despair or hope for a better future ....
  2. the Somerset levels had started to drain nicely when I came over on Sunday … mind you they have some massive great big pumps helping them
  3. Crazyfool01

    2025 Headliners

    2036 for me at best
  4. Pretty sure Michaels pa does …. Hi 👋
  5. Im gonna borrow Boris fridge to hide in , or use medical exemption 🙂
  6. I guess I fit more the picnic blanket demographic as I dont have the hardcore music knowledge of many that frequent these forums but what I like is that I can see the massive acts and get my moneys worth but fill some gaps with smaller ones . The festival does well because those Picnic blanket types will be quite a large amount of the ticket sales , the announcements are all well planned to keep up the interest throughout the year . Doesn't take too much to dent that interest
  7. nothings untouchable despite its strong position Glastonbury should keep with its winning formula
  8. she does , she mentioned it recently
  9. Sunak out of his depth here ... hope we do get some television debates he just looks an idiot , not sure what influence they have though
  10. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Not confirmed but I’ve had info seperately Stevie is in for BST and Madonna out
  11. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    It’s also backed up in terms of BST at least so that adds confidence for me
  12. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    This is the Glastonbury headliner thread . Feel free to create other relevant threads in the other festivals section on the website
  13. Neither are the French . Maybe a shortage of skilled workers ?!
  14. hinkley delayed 2 years ... now open in 2029 ...... delays and ever increasing costs what a shock another big project not delivered on time
  15. Still a GSH … @BlueDaze Portland arms is one you’ve done before isn’t it ?
  16. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Oops apologies … not quite sure how that happened
  17. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Was it ? Must have been reading something different …. Questioned by some definately . But large proportions I’m not sure . As always dissenting voices might well shout louder but the poll showing attendance showed he would be seen by a large majority of people on here
  18. a shed load of recent spending has gone on dodgy PPE and test and trace scheme
  19. disagree , the tory party are mostly dimwits . Not always a fan of Labour but they do at least seem to posses brains and Starmer pretty intelligent
  20. Bloody extravaganza made my heart leap https://x.com/glastonbury/status/1749477027567071499?s=46&t=fy5TL9y8UGjtXdGt39V8Pw
  21. what were they answers ? I definitely wouldn't have got number 1 ....
  22. There's a pretty easy reply to that though . They cant claim to be competent at anything now
  23. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Blink 182 confirmed ?
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