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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Tory donor involved somewhere ….
  2. If you know anyone after Glastonbury tickets still Radio 1 have a competition on Monday morning. Text FARM to 81199 between now and 7:45 Monday morning
  3. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    This is like a weird Deja vu with different colours
  4. Just never seems to be quite enough to bring him down … maybe council elections will do it ? But that gets very close to general election so completely f**ks them
  5. it has but there's still plenty of stuff to enjoy similar to above , might not be quite as risqué as you were thinking but fun and random never the less
  6. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    A sign that you need to sing happy birthday to Victoria
  7. Not that embarrassing I can’t see anything 😂
  8. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Started with a reliable poster saying elsewhere he’d been booked for BST and Glastonbury a few days ago . I recieved info yesterday that Madonna was out of bst and Stevie in , that didn’t mention Glastonbury but all the peices seem to fit the jigsaw
  9. On a similar theme trim_7311637B-ADC4-4AD8-B1EA-D9A3ACD82B1C.mp4
  10. Ok so what weird and wonderful things have you found at Glastonbury festival ? Was sent this last night and made me smile from the great memories. Away from the main stages what have you enjoyed ? What have newbies got to look forward to f5f19847-3804-4050-9f1e-c0f9597ff946.mp4
  11. So todays speech another party political broadcast do the opposition partys get an opportunity for the same airtime ? and Coffey how bloody thick is she ? Really embarrassing these people supposedly run our country … maybe they should sit some kind of exam before they stand for election
  12. I think so although I’d probably best check 😂
  13. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Coldplay and Dua were also predicted by @roughblokewho was spot on last year . Dua I think has been suggested by @adequate8 along with day @adequate8
  14. Anyone tempted ? Does he even drink ?
  15. I presume anything paid in is protected ? Because it’s held elsewhere ? I’ve little faith my supermarket will last the year the way things are going
  16. Yep that was my take and with no dependants I could live off some equity as I’ve no need to pass anything down . But yeah might look at that
  17. Think that’s when I started paying in … can’t remember how long ago ? Maybe 10 years
  18. Yep this I started a pension late . Prioritised saving for a house . No way I could afford both now I only make a small contribution on low pay that’ll make buggar all difference when I retire … oh well . I’ve a house at least
  19. Yeah absolutely the festival must already know they plan to make cuts / changes in this area
  20. off to watch Traitors .... or should I stay on news Chanel for that
  21. how does this work ? is it Labour being presumptuous ? or does this happen whatever the chances of a handover are ?
  22. yep can confirm that ive just had info to back this up added to whats elsewhere
  23. Any chance of defeat ? looked earlier and seemed it would go through
  24. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    for me now the lowest % id give to coldplay , but id still give them a 90 % chance
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