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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. its shown on the tv news more than any select committees though , the major highlight at least so will influence a bit
  2. its a pantomime a new speaker needs to get to grips with .... he even called Starmer the PM today , I think for the second time
  3. yep im going with it .... swing to me not such a big thing ( yes I know it is really ) .... they start from a clean slate and who on earth would actually vote for this lot , im optimistic but possibly a bit deluded to
  4. there is so much ammunition on. the tories now , im expecting a good majority maybe 50 ish . and more still to break before the election
  5. PMQS did anyone watch today ? missed it myself but seemingly mostly about post office ? any strong performances ?
  6. it was targeted at Skip so im viewing that as targeted . and whats with the editing of all your posts ? I find myself replying and then youve edited the post
  7. Calling someone a free loader is f**king rude by the way , and if you dont know them and are making those judgments from some posts on an internet forum its even worse
  8. its more an if than a maybe .... just testing the water in comparison to Elton , but Ive a sneaky feeling you'll say you'll be there
  9. early stages I know but quite a significant % on the negative side of the poll , id go with Dolly sized crowd
  10. comparrison here apologies options aren't the same
  11. Further to discussion elsewhere , would you watch the spice girls if they played the legend slot ? would they get Elton sized crowds or not ?
  12. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    better first , second or better taken away ?
  13. or some bin holes in the sheeting ? Thanks to the wateraid folks that clean these .
  14. we've had a good run of a few more than that ,, long may it continue
  15. not sure thatll ever totally be solved although the chicken wire does seem to help , and they seem to be cleared of rubbish much more frequently these days
  16. in terms of time and motion and through traffic I bet those blue sheeted urinals are the most effective for through traffic , my only gripe is in some places they are a bit small and my common complaint is the lack of trough on the one wall .
  17. 1 billion not an issue 15 billion more of an issue 100 billion a bloody big issue , it scales according to amount
  18. 14 billion different ? I guess in terms of the entire economy but that pays for the junior doctor pay rise many times over . wearas the benefit issue doesn't cover it once
  19. there were 100s more for reference , as my links never seem to satisfy ..... 1 billion is a tiny amount by your own admission and not an issue . Glad we agree
  20. ok on the concept benefit vs tax evasion https://citizen-network.org/library/graphic-benefit-fraud-is-tiny.html so im not worried about the benefits , given that many who receive them actually work , and quite often in low paid jobs such as mine , which we found out during the pandemic were absolutely crucial .
  21. skips coffee has no impact on me . so if we can make the topic more about the top bit than an individual
  22. you bastard 😉 think we need a few more pages on these stolen coffees ? what type were they ? did you have the nerve to steal milk ? heaven forbid sugar also ? what about the environmental cost ? was the stirrer wooden with little environmental impact ? did you walk to the coffee place ? or Maybe the f**king tories who are robbing the country blind and spaffing all the contracts to their mates and costing the country billions is a better topic for conversation ? This is daily mail blame game stuff at its best in this thread
  23. good shout Skip ... on topic now please (MOD )
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