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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Oh no … best not glue her down then (yet )
  2. could be a picnic blanket Pyramid Sat based on that for me 🙂
  3. Seems to be worded like something similar will replace it
  4. Sad news for the loss of a creative and music area … hope those involved find other things they want to do to stay involved with the festival . Quite a big crew involved , has it been there since the opening of the park ? Very much hope it gets replaced although I never quite made it inside
  5. That’ll be the Coldplay hat if they get signed up … with a few adjustments
  6. There would be a few staggering out the field if he plays Roxanne
  7. I’ve tried it with my laser box …. Works ok but definately better if I don’t put smoke machine on the hat . Warning flashing lasers in vid IMG_7525.mov
  8. One my dad listened to a fair bit as I was growing up … will have to check out his newer stuff
  9. Yes but far too short term .. there are imitation ones that could work
  10. On the banned list … although I have looked .. problem is keeping them on for longer periods of time they seem to burnout . Pens definately no good . I’ve got 6 months though so might well figure something out .
  11. makes a difference 🙂 good luck in the ballot to start
  12. yeah thats sh*t ... dont forget the resale teams on here , competitions and Oxfam are often recruiting pretty late on if that suits you
  13. when is that happening ? hopefully many can try for other charities understand the shifts are different though
  14. but watts app group seem to think a good chance
  15. from memory I think. surprisingly few of these acts play the festival given it should almost be a shoe in ?
  16. received my mini smoke machine ... awaiting the batteries
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