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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. That’s correct barely anything in jan . And I’m really not expecting anything before Christmas now … just grasping hopelessly at straws
  2. I’m clinging onto sometimes we will do something before Christmas ….. she’d better get a move on
  3. Biden starting to shift away from Israeli position tonight also …
  4. well I vote Lib Dem anyway , ive voted green before in European and maybe council too .... Labour not a choice here but yes over Torys if I were living elsewhere in FPTP system
  5. morally probably not ..... policy wise it would be preferable than the tory ones still just about
  6. its that balance between winning votes or turning people off and if they carry things through to policy
  7. missed that but nope I absolutely dont support that sh*t .... will attempt to learn to block cookies thanks
  8. can't read it because of paywall but judging from the headline no and didn't hear that earlier in Coopers speech .... if it was there I missed it
  9. Listenning to Cooper today id say yeah as this comes across as more than competent , whereas this lot haven't a clue as reflected in the Rwanda and Bibby Stockholm fiascos
  10. do you think they are actually doing anything now ? or just better than an alternative PM ?
  11. I always think it can't possibly get worse ..... you just never know ..... Braverman or Patel would definitely fit the worse thing ?
  12. think they need to split it further so they all represent in 2s ... thats still a group isnt it ? the answer is in funding I think
  13. sadly looks like a govt win by 20 ish id guess
  14. think we are planning on doing some work over Christmas ... possibly Christmas Day
  15. I can send you the current rules if you want them
  16. where I pointed you to existing rules ?
  17. everyone will complain and do frequently that their own POV isnt being responded to , for example here both you and Barry both from opposite side of the divide , so maybe you dont get what you hope to sometimes and maybe Barry feels unjustly done to at others , whoever the mods are its not an exact or far from perfect science , its not easy as any mod will attest . The rules will give some clarity and hopefully will include some timelines of ban periods and an appeal process
  18. I think self awareness is an absolutely fair point
  19. I mean we dont its all on record 🙂
  20. didn't have any involvement in that so not entirely sure tbh ... the mod team now communicate via disappearing watts app so are hopefully being more consistent in approach ,
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