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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I’ve dmd ommadawn as that’s fair when we remove posts and I think we missed it on this occasion that the posts didn’t relate to subject matter and related to inviduals
  2. Can we move on please … I’m presuming you want the discussion back on topic and not about individuals … thanks for your help
  3. Can we move on now please … I’m sure some might not agree with how we moderate and my shoulders are broad enough to accept that will always be the case . We are however attempting to make this thread as pleasant as we can given the sometimes challenging subject matter . Having 2 of us moderate means we discuss all reports and will work together to try and achieve the best result for this thread and posters and Efests in a purely voluntary role . Anyway I’m just awaiting being added to the govt list along with the leftie lawyers … those damn leftie moderators on efests
  4. and the misinformation of the IDF ? sorry fella you dont dictate to me wether I choose to post or not
  5. were you there ? or who's word are you taking for this ?
  6. the breaking of the ceasefires isnt absolutely clear as has been pointed out by Stevie . I couldn't 100% declare one side or the other broke it because of the misinformation given out by both sides , for a supposed govt source the IDS is more than doing its fair share of this , they wouldn't need to if they were telling the truth but its there for all to see , and yes absolutely Hamas also doing this but that would be expected from them I guess
  7. IRA ? you do know there were negotiations with them whilst they were still engaged in terrorism ? much as its uncomfortable it needs to be done and start somewhere as the horrible situation will never end , as for the started it bit ? is oct 7th the start ? or is it your defined start ? mass killing and atrocities from both sides needs to stop and that is a starting point for the future , having a UN resolution gives it a bit more oomph .
  8. nope .... lots of people getting refunded automatically and some accidentally for all purchases so they've had to chase See to get one reinstated edit actually I think they did for some purchases
  9. no you should be fine .... plenty of accidental double purchases will be back in the pot
  10. https://www.change.org/p/save-moles-bath-s-iconic-music-venue/psf/promote_or_share?guest=new&short_display_name=Alex &source_location=corgi&allow_actions=true&utm_campaign=psf please sign
  11. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2024

    I’m picturing a stage of some kind below with it in the air. can’t see rotors spinning tbh that would be a health and safety headache … maybe the use of clever lighting instead to replicate that effect
  12. had a quick look to see what waders would suit current conditions
  13. its designed to be a flood plain ....too early to panic ....... yet
  14. hopefully ... but I doubt it'll be till later in the year ...... not sure on the vibe though unless its close to an election , definitely had an impact with Brexit
  15. https://www.rainbowmigration.org.uk/news/rwanda-is-not-safe-for-lgbtqi-people/
  16. that famed safe haven of ...... Rwanda
  17. im not bothered either way .... might watch it might not , have in the past because its been a decent atmosphere if not a little sad at the losses but that soon gets forgotten once back amongst it again ...... not sure the festival has the space these days and would far rather the space be given to more space for camping .. that Portugal game was amazing but then ive not yet watched a game in a big stadium ... each to there own though its 90mins in the scheme of a 5 day festival
  18. crumbs that looks like one of those track laying vehicles , proper deluge we need a dry spring / early summer
  19. Yeah that’ll likely replace the spider 🕷️… hopefully there will be decent plans to replace the rabbit hole , some amazing creativity goes into that so hopefully just a switch of name and creative team retained
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