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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Matches the info the mods on here have been given and posted
  2. judging by Mike skinner's love of the pyramid stage hat id be pretty confident they are playing .... and most likely pyramid stage
  3. cheers ... couldn't figure out , how / why a mate had them as seemed too far out but can't find any maps that seem to show that area
  4. was tempted tbh it went for a little lower than reserve .... but a kid is happy and the Charity 100 quid better off . the rest of the auction seemed to do incredibly though and ive a pile of crew t-shirts
  5. Can someone define what central Somerset is for Sunday tickets ?
  6. also got this wrong it appears ...... seems people can afford the increases and still do Glastonbury or that demand is so high its doesn't seemed to have made a dent , maybe cutbacks have gone in other things
  7. https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/accommodation/
  8. if I recall options can go quite quickly but might appear again as people drop them in baskets ... id be prepared to go at dead on and you should be fine .... the first to go are usually teepees
  9. id be trying on release if you can .... some options might come up at various times and at resale but I wouldn't rely on it
  10. I guess it won’t matter to Coldplay tbf think they might have made it 🙂
  11. was well done tbf .... although like mentioned earlier it doesn't seemed to hold , maybe because of the size of the gigs some see it as a challenge to film and then others follow like sheep .... atmosphere definitely lifts during the time its well observed though so there's something in the not filming segments thing .... to me that seems the most reasonable option for artists
  12. Format shouldn’t have been an issue they seemed to have sorted that years ago … another issue for see this year to add to the delay and the ‘hack’ they’ve got some sorting out to do for next year
  13. Not partially near the showground but I think the apple tree inn and ashcombe park also offer car parking privately …. But if you park on the west of the site you might just as well be parking in public as these are just as far from entrance gate … tbh there probably are carparks further out near bath and west but it would be a ball ache getting to the showground to pickup transfer busses along busy roads
  14. You pay for passes when you pay your balance in April … £50 last year I think and £60 cash on the gates . There is no public parking at bath and west . Prices subject to small increase i would imagine
  15. They ruled themselves out on the one show , hadn’t been asked and weren’t available
  16. Have fun I’ll be in the crown
  17. 100 % ruled out .... Girls aloud on one show , dates don't work
  18. Also try for 2 on the bus if you can that gives you options and won’t all be pushed into one sale
  19. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2024

    They’d have sussed it in future versions I’m sure … I’m intrigued and we aren’t even sure it’s to be the chopper … that might be used for some of their other projects although it does seem most likely at this stage given there’s no other options out there yet
  20. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2024

    I guess the same thoughts could be applied to the crane … although a few thought it disappointing having that setup in a field was pretty phenomenal to me … and it was only year one … now they would have had 2 years development and a shed load of money from the World Cup
  21. Some of the video skills do make me question the point when people are bolloxed though and the videos a mixture of landscape / portrait and on the piss . Might as well put the phone down and just enjoy it instead … I’ll take the odd video maybe even a single song where it can be done without too much distraction or where the tempo has slowed . I’ve had a couple that the band has been able to use in its socials too . The rest of the gig I’ll be fully imersed in whatever’s onstage
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