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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. The only places that you’ll have times given to you is Bristol or London … for all other departure points you’ll find out by email about a month or so before the festival
  2. One of several options I guess , not ruled in or out but more likely than previous years
  3. July I got them as a present … I’m a special occasion drinker
  4. The temple was bad enough with the lights I had to escape as someone was enthusiastic on multiple occasions 😞
  5. Recieved some electronics and ordered a new smoke machine as mine is hopefully getting sold on sat ( warning flashing images ) IMG_7430.mov
  6. Would also buy a heart attack
  7. same place should resupply pretty quick .... not often fresh food is off sale for long
  8. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Thanks for this … anyone else with info of any kind @eFestivals inbox is open . And this is a perfect thread to discuss options whether they turn out right or wrong .
  9. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    The tips don’t lie
  10. Cheers very much all to play for then with an increased chance over previous
  11. What eveidence do we have that leads to Stevie ?
  12. Is all a bit of a balance as to how far you want to carry kit vs how far you mind walking home … but with one tent that should make things a bit easier if you want to go a bit closer … there should also be stewards close to gate a who can advise
  13. You’ll be entering gate A the nearest campsite darble should be a safe bet as you get through the gate … but it also depends a little on what you like to get up to … it’s 15mins walk to pyramid stage from there I’d say but the furthest point sec is 45 mins plus . Torts guide is a pretty handy lookup for camping
  14. Sorry confused between campers and caravans … my mistake as you were
  15. More common than you think , I saw a shed load heading that way when going down with @Sawdusty surfer last time ..
  16. No tech knowledge but they are supposed to have fixed it haven’t they ? Isn’t that the best thing ? That takes us back a stage doesn’t it ?
  17. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    yep agree obviously the delayed sale might have pushed things back slightly but guess we still have to wait to see if Madonna does BST before we get her at least
  18. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    no thats fine ask away .. tends to be that the bigger acts come first for main stages then it whittles down to the finner details as we get closer
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