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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. There’s also someone that organises a minibus on here from Glasgow I think but they usually post closer to the festival if they have space … can’t recall username at the moment . But that’s a Sunday ticket job
  2. How simple is it to do from an idiots point of view ? (Me ) I’m setup for bus but might be handy for main sale
  3. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Split up … had been heading in that direction I think .
  4. Nice one hopefully you can help some posters on the night
  5. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    hobo jones and junkyard dogs .... although won't be again sadly
  6. Not across both sales but twice on the same sale …. Not a chance I’d risk it when I could get someone ticketless in though
  7. see my video on page 1 of this thread
  8. it will say registration has been used
  9. well given that the carpark pays for itself with the passes it fits the Green ethos and also massively helps arrivals and departures in terms of traffic congestion
  10. sadly not possible on a Mac unless I can figure out a way to assign one key to refreshing rather than command r ...... but I tend to focus on 1 anyway and have the second as backup ...
  11. These are my 2 work stations … have a friend coming over to help … iPads have the live spreadsheet on both … mixture of 5g tether and fibre one broadband … safari browser of choice with shortcodes preprogrammed for bus people …. Payment card to hand . Might add a thatchers later for nerves
  12. There will be many more returns than singles
  13. It’s not but it does give Glastonbury its value for money … if you were to see all the headliners in stadiums alone that would be approaching the cost of the ticket . If you don’t see the headliners you will might not find that value for money and can see many of the acts for cheaper elsewhere . There’s obviously a bit more to it than but is something people can reasonably make a decision based on
  14. I thought the more out of the way options were last to go …
  15. Yeah it’s pretty nerve shredding but does reward persistence . Don’t think those nerves ever dissapear …. I wonder if anyone has ever filmed the sale or would that be losing a valuable device .
  16. They don’t have a clue how many people are trying … how many people have multiple devices . How many people are helping others .
  17. Well there is the sale to concentrate on first … hopefully you’ll come good in that and won’t need that special diet
  18. My app isn’t logging in at the moment so I’m not sure on the t and c s and if it’s the same purchase comp … hoping someone will enlighten us
  19. It’s back …. The worthy cheddar comp that everyone was after …
  20. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    well the early in the new year is fairly open to discussion when that might actually be .... feb could easily be considered early and we don't normally get much in Jan
  21. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    feels rare that we don't get a pyramid headliner before the poster .... although obviously Emily has said its coming early in the new year
  22. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Dua lipa first to announce ?
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