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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    the festival needs to sell out to stop things getting cut and the bigger acts help them do this , that in turn helps them have the broad range they do
  2. Could multiple payments not trigger issues with banks thinking it’s suspicious ? What I would say is that the OP needs to make sure someone has access to the app to approve purchases
  3. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    think Metalica was my smallest headline crowd I didn't stay, shame we don't have this beautiful overheads like from Elton so we could compare ....
  4. yep correct , and the answer is nothing . have a good evening im off to badminton
  5. yeah tell me what cause then Barry ? as ive got no fingers in any pies here ?
  6. I’m glad you decide what’s lies and what isn’t ? I actually responded to the post asking where I got the information from with that video … and on that video I asked the question is this misinformation as I wasn’t sure .
  7. do we ever get those novelty type acts moving from Avalon to bigger stages ?
  8. I believed the BBC and Chanel 4 last week well known terrorist organisations
  9. ignorant here but haven't they targeted plenty of hospitals ? maybe misinformation I saw and they weren't active ones ?
  10. you mean to say ive been thinking it was the real deal and its not ?
  11. might have been the river entry thats now blocked
  12. Welcome aboard the posting train , good luck for tickets and positive contributions massively welcomed here 🙂
  13. Whilst there is little independent verification it’s a small area with 2 million residents and we can see heavy destruction of large multifloored buildings . I think we can agree on that ?
  14. Taylor drew you back in 😗
  15. apart from covid Glastonbury ive got a decent record 🙂 ( and even then I got tickets just stupidly bus ones for mates not me ) fingers crossed I can keep that .... seems to work ok
  16. sorry I meant the sale but maybe the edge in demand will be taken off but still sell out , still might make it slightly easier . even the sale time doesn't really tell us much because they can control that
  17. I’m just unsure how Glastonbury could be unaffected by the cost of Tory stuff … maybe just protected by a superfence
  18. Not sure how that would lower tensions . Might stop some misinformation but I doubt that tbh
  19. I’m talking for me . I’ve not accused anyone of racism
  20. Pretty grim , helps no one least of all the family’s involved
  21. Especially where in my case my posts are balanced and Ozanne is well aware of my family and my attempts to take in refugees .
  22. yeah of course but it rarely happens anywhere left , right ,middle .wherever . ive not deleted my initial post as it has no influence on absolutely anything and im still not sure and not sure I will be , so its on a page on a forum likely never to be read again by anyone yep its a great quality and something thats happened from a couple of us on this thread lately ... sadly for those of bigger influence its a bit harder than for those on tiny efests .
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