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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. ill set a reminder now to do it promptly at midnight 🙂 so I can keep the masses happy ..... and Gnomicide
  2. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    I’ve never quite got the foals discussion … horses for courses isn’t it surely
  3. Crazyfool01


    hes definitely blown up .... think he was originally down to play a small venue but offers likely to have come in for a bigger stage . Not the biggest fan myself but in both my watts app groups hes been a bit of a discussion point with several very keen and probably one of the most mentioned artists over the last 12 months . Hope he sorts the health stuff out and those that like him get to see him on a suitably sized stage on the farm
  4. not sure , depends on the assurances made by Israel to US that they won't be hitting civilian targets , its pretty embarrassing for Biden to have backed them like he has and this to have happened ..... not sure if that's enough or not though
  5. Loved them on the Pyramid perfect way to start the day and shake the hangover
  6. No one has given Hamas a free hand , and we aren’t world leaders
  7. Sunak crawling out there like Boris did in Ukraine
  8. This is what happens when the idiots in power give carte Blanche permission … and they all knew as we did that war crimes were happening / happened . Biden and the US ultimately most culpable
  9. Politicians need to call it a war crime grow some bloody balls
  10. I imagine greta might continue to protest in the UK under labour govt ... she might not get arrested though . Prisons full what an absolute waste of time
  11. Crazyfool01


    not just you 🙂 im also confused
  12. I was looking for confirmation although its easy to see how misinformation gets out there
  13. yeah understand that ... but was just looking for the actual reason ... if she punched a copper then its a fair reason for arrest tbf ... much as I like Greta
  14. can't see what she actually did to be arrested ?
  15. well if you were I might tip the pint on you ..... 🙂 I wouldn't
  16. I don't take posts in this thread as a representation of peoples personalities tbh sometimes people get a bit carried away but id happily meet any one of you in a field in Somerset for a pint .
  17. no indeed but shows another side , which for me despite some bickering on here shows a great side of anyone if they are able to put things aside
  18. just to let you know Stuie donated to Neils fundraiser not long ago
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