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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. standard sale they've said pay as you go
  2. Just give the reg that you are trying with to a friend once you’ve purchased tickets or they have that reg will be locked so you can’t get duplicates
  3. Wouldn’t take the risk tbh .. unlikely they’d spot it but you never know . What advantage would it give you ? Would you be in multiple groups ?
  4. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Have we ever noticed a headliner removed from the betting market before an announcement?
  5. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    I’m not sure there’s much to the pleasing the locals thing on the Sunday is there ? I guess if an artists available all 3 they might try for a big one on the Sunday but not sure that would ever be the case for all 3 headliners all nights . Plenty there to interest me . Prodigy might keep me away but I’ve seen them plenty of times … Madonna would be a moment
  6. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Those odds weren’t in my favour
  7. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Crumbs it does seem like them and very early to have 3 that strong odds
  8. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    I reckon im now at 60 % she plays … just seems to be quite a few things that fit . im going to ignore all that don’t at this point anyway 😉
  9. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Ok glad that’s all sorted
  10. donation page if anyone wants to help humanitarian crisis https://www.oxfam.org/en/what-we-do/emergencies/crisis-gaza
  11. Or they aren’t ready to go …. Let’s hope you are right
  12. Switched over to rugby probably a decent choice then
  13. Was a long scroll on my phone … how do we embed tweets now ? I’ve lost the plot on how to
  14. yeah indeed just need to be carefull on assumption here in all directions and im guilty of that
  15. it says clearly at the bottom its up for speculation
  16. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    yeah true but we don't have that choice so ill be happily singing along ( or miming ) and having an absolute blast ( pending tickets obs )
  17. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    and Madonna would be the same ?
  18. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    It's pretty much Emilys baby now isn't it ? who's left that Michael wants ?
  19. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    The others mentioned have all delivered absolutely massive shows and the field has been absolutely rammed for all of them they could all be argued they were past their prime ( obviously Stones still going many years on ) but the delight and memories of those in attendance for those shows will live with many for a very long time
  20. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Similar to Cat Stevens ? or is there something different ? or dolly ? or the Stones ? or Elton ?
  21. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    up till when do you think Madonna would have been ok ?
  22. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    that's exactly it , the pool of possibilities is very limited now
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