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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Ok fair enough so opinion clearly stated . Is it ok we move on so we don’t go down the binfire of last year please
  2. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Greatest of respect neil people on here want to get excited over the festival next year , who was right or wrong in the g n r episode is in the past now . You’ve made it pretty clear you don’t like or think maddona should appear near year which is fair and enough .but what I hope you realise is that @eFestivals is building his business now and another 6 months of the same negativity over the next headliner helps no one least of all this website .
  3. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Thanks she’s getting some great reviews on Twitter it’s nice to hear from someone who was there . She’s absolutely a massive booking
  4. And so the build begins … well nearly as the parts start to come together
  5. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    And her voice was fine ?
  6. The same standards … and to condemn a full scale invasion
  7. Was it a free and fair election ? Did they have a choice ? It needs a concerted effort from everyone to work toward peace not backing one side or the other because both are commiting atrocities.
  8. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Anyway back to topic in hand … what a bloody great booking that would be if it turns out . Like mentioned in our watts app it would be her and Taylor that are still on my want list . And a great run of absolutely massive headliners
  9. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Along with the 2 female artists that Emily’s said … which 2 would you expect ?
  10. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Well she’s been pretty heavily rumoured . She’s doing greatest hits , Emily’s gone and her insta is pretty good for suggestions. It’s this year or never for me . fair enough she’d likely have gone anyway .
  11. Again I’ll repeat hamas are equally responsible and justification for killing any civilians is 0 .
  12. At risk of repeating myself … I expect this sh*t from the Tory’s not the Labour Party
  13. If he can’t make a difference , which as you say is likely , he needs to make the call that shows morals and yeah maybe it loses him votes . Maybe calling out war crimes as in Ukraine isn’t as unpopular as you think . This is 2 million people with bombs reigning down on them .
  14. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Would be like a prayer to me
  15. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    I reckon so yep . First confirm shortly after ticket day
  16. Restraint … Israel are lining up to invade ffs and he knows this
  17. I’ll repeat the death on all sides is appalling. . One doesn’t justify the other . Hamas share equal blame . At the moment Israel are preparing for a land invasion where the civilian population has no escape and the food and water , oil and electric has been shutoff to an entire population . This needs to be stopped and not backed by anyone and called as it is ( a war crime ) . I just hope the deadline being pushed back means there’s some strong negotiations going on behind the scenes rather than it being delayed because Israel are manoeuvring the weapons
  18. I think only maybe @mattiloy might not want a change in govt because he doesn’t feel it would change things … @Ozanne please name the others
  19. Semantics really . Flattening huge areas of civilian land and causing mass civilian casualties seems pretty much like it’s not targeted , to me anyway. Maybe they’ll get away with it under some clause but it’s appalling . And was also appalling when Russia invaded Ukraine and did similar
  20. Midweek Israel were bombing Gaza where civilians had no means of escape
  21. Nearly everyone here wants a change in govt . That doesn’t mean that people can’t question and talk about things they don’t like about the opposition.
  22. Not as often as starmers policy’s. . Night 😊
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