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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Excuse the ignorance but does it not already ? Seems the US does
  2. It ends with people / counties thinking it’s got too much and deciding taking sides is not the way to negotiation .
  3. Yeah I read that … it’s terrorism on both sides even if it’s a response to something .
  4. Corbyn has condemned the violence from both sides
  5. Forgive my ignorance but are there other countries that don’t take a side in this ? So purely involved from a purely humanitarian and peace negotiation standpoint
  6. so they just give in to everyone that they think they need to convince ? where's the line drawn ? or do they just do it because ....
  7. Why can’t they just say that it’s pretty sh*t for all and a peaceful solution for all on both sides is required . What a horrendous situation it is edit and shutting off water / access to fuel and medical aid is a war crime and Starmer should know that
  8. Nice … behind the barrier on the park ? What do you do ?
  9. You do realise it’s quite a walk back to some of the caravan fields . One reason I’ve never considered it as I quite nipping back to the tent . However im mostly the tent side of site anyway
  10. without content these things don't exist .... Although tbf the scum would likely make something up
  11. you can win those voters without supporting the scum .
  12. take a bike and trailer ... honestly makes things pretty easy
  13. The sun is a hateful comic and not just for the people of Liverpool im amazed anyone actually buys it .... Gizmoman is correct is that the media run the country ( Murdoch ) and not the politicians , the sun positioning itself alongside Starmer isn't for his or the countrys benefit . They've just f**ked us over with Brexit and they will continue to f**k the poor , Labour will continue to move further right in the belief that its what the country want as sold by the media . so at some point people need to say f**k you to them and let it go out of business ... the readership has massively dropped . Where is the line drawn by Starmer ? does he have to keep turning to appease people and then more people and another policy here .
  14. Edit it’s ok to not like everything about Labour and a politician and then vote for them
  15. Do you not think showing morals wins some votes and sticking to that would be a great selling point for him ? As he has already turned on a promise . As a Liverpool fan I’m pretty suprised you accept this to be honest … you will likely be in a minority of 1
  16. He doesn’t need to write in the scum And description of it as a newspaper is pretty generous .
  17. I draw my line as a Liverpool supporter with Starmer writing in the Scum , that to me is a disgrace after he'd reneged on a promise not to
  18. Seems to be changing to me …. Torygraph article earlier and this . They’ll all want to back a winner won’t they … murdoch met Blair on several occasions didn’t he ?
  19. So you fully support the Tory press backing Labour ?
  20. Absolutely definately they will be better than the Tories . Just look at that conference of hate they put together last week . Just stomach churning bile . Let’s see where we go with Labour … if they get those waiting lists down significantly it will pretty much reach a large part of the electorate and maybe can be used to get a second term .
  21. so it does seem like the tory press are coming onside ... I guess that's good for Starmer to get elected , but those with concerns about how tory the Labour Party have become maybe less pleased
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