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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. good policy that .... hopefully they can jail some of the assholes involved too .
  2. If someone said I supported apartheid I’d be pretty miffed tbh … although I’d like the thread to be free from insults too
  3. Do you think it should have been a red card for the Brighton player who gave away the penalty? Just the way it goes sometimes but can’t figure out how it’s not
  4. Some stunning shots from last year .... 4 weeks until tday .... must be some to add to this thread ......
  5. in that instance Allison and Macallister
  6. Crazyfool01

    PA Tickets

    I think that might take a while as they probably aren't in the office yet as its obviously quieter at the moment
  7. Crazyfool01

    PA Tickets

    I guess its done late so it also covers the resale and the helpers required after that's taken place
  8. he was also more pally with the right wing press that wanted their Brexit dream
  9. I already know the answer . Not that anyone should feel compelled but it’s well worth doing if people can
  10. Traditionally but shifting more right for both
  11. Tbf they’ve probably shifted more away from what I’d like hence my actual preference of the Green Party . Lib Dem policy was much stronger on the revoking of the oil licences and stronger on rejoin but after last conference less so . They are further right than I’d like . Actually my gut also aligns closer with corbyn than the Lib Dem’s but whether he’d get elected is a different discussion altogether .
  12. Must never question the likely new govt what a terrible thing to do …. Hang my head in shame and must pledge my aleigance to every policy Labour has . Whilst helping them get elected by helping Lib Dem’s in my area .
  13. You’ve agreed with exactly what I said . Whilst saying further up that Labour haven’t shifted right
  14. I’ve suggested plenty of times that the Lib Dem’s aren’t perfect . Just to recap I hated the Lib Dem’s for the change to tuition fees . All party’s have faults it’s just picking one that has overall best alignment with views .. actually I’ll repeat again that would naturally be the Green Party for me . But they don’t stand a chance of election here so next best is Lib Dem’s who do
  15. No they won’t because they are more Tory than they’ve been previously . However had a watch of him and he did look like the next pm . So will have to see . He’s much further right than I’d like but we will all have levels of what’s acceptable . Just like there’s bits of other party policy I like and don’t like . If I setup a poll asking if Labour had moved further to the right in the last parliament I’m pretty sure I could predict the answer , because they have
  16. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Thanks for the recommendation I’ll have a listen tomorrow 😉
  17. meanwhile just a bit of weather in Scotland
  18. you are right and people don't look longer term sadly but those costs are only going to rise with agricultural land becoming scarcer , flood defences having to be paid for , massive costs from migration , the list goes on .... will it get to a point where things tip , or will we continue to bury our heads in the sand
  19. oh shite ... can you sandbag the gate ? or would that make no difference ?
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