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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. if you do the bike to Glastonbury scheme yep
  2. I think you missed the smiley 🙂 .... there's no bike rack charges . however you can use the lockups who value a small charitable donation
  3. just use this... will calm any nerves https://glastonbury.seetickets.com/registration/lookup
  4. I sufer that issue .... actually found a mat that suits and the hard ground is also not so bad
  5. Also received but only on the email address id chosen not to reconfirm I had 2 live registrations and id chosen to let one lapse .
  6. we've mostly all got the choice to use the accommodation onsite ( medical reasons aside ) those staying in extra accommodation also make that choice with the associated costs . if the farmers charge more for the caravan field rental then those people in my opinion should pay whatever the extra charge is . just like the carpark charges will increase and ill pay whatever that cost is .... I wouldn't expect someone who's used a bike to get there to pay those costs for me
  7. But then they’d be asking people who don’t use campervans to subsidise those that do . I guess in the longer term the reduced use of campers will help with the environmental credentials of the festival . But see the point on medical conditions you’ve made .
  8. Ok 98% in 1 direction … he should have had a yellow anyway for asking for opposition players to be given them
  9. absolutely this but the refereeing of the whole game was terrible and in 1 direction so it really leaves them open to challenge , those referees officiating elsewhere also doesn't help . They don't help themselves
  10. It’s a barcode that gets sent to the registered persons email with details of the time … the tickets then are collected on the coach journey to the festival
  11. Crazyfool01


    ive a friend that does this ..... what would be the requirements ? maybe post it in the volunteering thread .... what is the name of the organisation ?
  12. ok well you've made me think , the green policys I align more closely with , then probably Lib Dem , then Labour , Tory at the bottom of the pile . We have a Tory MP with the Lib dems in second here and Labour 3rd and Greens somewhat distant . I don't think I could take another 4 years of the Tory party tbh and have actively signed up to help the Lib dems , along with Climate there's other reasons we need to get the Torys out don't we ?
  13. someone I know lives outside the catchment and ive no clue how he gets Sunday tickets .... another friend had his details checked last year
  14. pretty standard for a conference protest id imagine ..... and pretty similar to some of the covid protests I watched with people seeking the opportunity to protest any cause .... surprised that it was the nhs protestors that got pulled and not these guys though GMP must have had some intelligence on them 🙂
  15. is that guaranteed or is there a similar scrum ? can't remember how that works ?
  16. you still doing Sunday only ?
  17. yep second group will get bounced out ... it will show that the registrations have already been used .... its a big risk and could potentially mess it up for others .... not worth the risk you need to just have 2 groups and then have everyone signed up to trying for both
  18. nice 1 ... appears some protesters got delayed by quite a large number of GMP
  19. on an phone / iPad .... settings .... general ... keyboard ... text replacement . then input data and you are good to go like above video
  20. Efestivals shortcode tutorial for those with Apple devices IMG_7168.mov
  21. only in terms of availability of drivers and coaches I presume ? im sure I read that that they intend to increase these in the long term ?
  22. horrendous ... I agree that the Jones one could have gone as a red but the game was absolutely littered with shockers ... it should never have been shown initially to the referee as a freeze frame . some very low standards in refereeing , I guess VARs been dropped from todays game though so everything is now fine ?!!!
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