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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Make sure you’ve set that 10am alarm so you don’t oversleep
  2. Worse than the terms we have now having left ? Not a chance
  3. Lucky Glastonbury tshirt …. Others suggest pants
  4. his polls dropped through the floor didn't they ?
  5. Should be a photo of him filling up his private jet
  6. How long before ofcom show some balls and shut this cess pit down ?
  7. They only reason I can think that they don't is that the govt want to use it as a divisive policy and want them hanging around with not much to do .
  8. we could and should let them work from arrival , putting them in hotels and making them sit there waiting is bonkers and detrimental to them
  9. Guess they are also happy there won’t be the kind of payment issues we had last time in the nov sale
  10. Hopefully they will increase the onsite camping to compensate if this is going to put off some camper van people … although they’ll likely fill it anyway despite the increase . It’s a big jump but I’d rather it go on that than the general ticket price
  11. Wonder what bike theft is like in Holland ? At some point a saturated market surely lowers the demand for stolen bikes ?
  12. Very good speech and a really good response does give a little faith in humanity
  13. income generators for cash strapped councils ? the money comes from somewhere or services get cut
  14. Just booked this not been to Bath for ages and never to Moles so should be a good day out £4.50 an absolute bargain
  15. If you do go for a big group it needs someone to take the lead fairly soon . It’s not a 5 min task and requires cooperation between people . If you just need numbers to make it up to a 6 then obviously it can be done later .
  16. Will just sadly move to another as he brings a following
  17. I’d imagine none of us is perfect me included .. I did ask so as to educate myself further . As I said earlier I don’t want to wield any ban hammers but I do ask that people are pleasant toward each other . That rope is getting quite stretched now . I’m sure people can understand the challenge of attempting to mod this bin fire thread
  18. You were talking about an older man being odd and I’m replying that Stevie is I’d imagine a similar age . You are reading more into that than I posted
  19. Ok so since that point both Ozanne and Stevie have apologised from what I can see . I’d like us to move on from here I think the point has been made and reacted to .
  20. Pritti Patel is 51 . the locking and unlocking was me exploring forum functions and seeing if I can put a limited time lock on this thread .
  21. f**k me how does she actually know ? What is the interviewer playing at here asking her directly what someone who’s gay looks like or how she actually knows that ?
  22. Can’t remember that being said tbh by me at least
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