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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. My prices have just dropped 8% should I fix ? im losing the will on what to do
  2. Yeah I mean invest in rural bus services or even school buses which would take a huge amount of school run traffic off the roads …
  3. How will hs2 help the majority of us ?
  4. They don’t need to do this now … I thought I heard ? Surely regional improvements is the way to go ? Or increased rolling stock ? Although I’m not entirely sure who would pay for that
  5. Crazyfool01


    can you please explain why you think you would get banned ?
  6. Nothing is prime time if he associates himself with the scum
  7. having a quick catchup as ive been busy but Victoria Derbyshire seems like such a better person to be doing the politics show on a Sunday ... actually holding all politicians to account although the panel seemed very one sided and what the hell is Boris sister appearing on these shows for ?
  8. no chance at all .... the returns can be very early I saw 4 am listed in that thread but not sure what applies to the 2 places you mentioned earlier
  9. Taunton was definately 6am and a single at 9.15 but not sure on the rest edit found a thread with info
  10. im not sure if there's anything you can do separately to that to reduce the anxiety , but the driving lessons free seems a great opportunity , they are so expensive these days , not sure how kids afford them tbh
  11. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    surely that's Shania Twain ?
  12. Anecdotal evidence of earlier bookings getting earlier coaches and earlier returns unless you get single tickets which will be fixed times from that location
  13. Has been discussed a bit since the festival. Seems to be suggested he got in legitimately and then tried later on in the horse for his video and views
  14. Won’t be many if any … payment was within 24 hours wasn’t it ? So pretty much no one will change mind ?
  15. Bet Larry could tell a tail or two about the party’s he’s been to
  16. Emily’s savvy enough to know that once mentioned on social media news like that will spread like wildfire like it has … was over all platforms yesterday without much effort and a scheduled announcement will still happen and it gets them a double whammy of coverage … no one misses out
  17. I just wish things got sold as a positive to the electorate much better from the opposition instead of running scared all the time .... Brexit went wrong because ... here is what we will do to make your lives better ... it's clearly an absolute f**k up now and people can see that and that's the majority of people . Immigration should be sold as a positive but I guess we have the daily mail to thank for that. hopefully the landscape changes slightly without people having the need to pander to Murdoch as he massively influences our political landscape
  18. Loved the chats with Glastobation lucky to also meet him last year although he remembers better than me … and glastopia … who I feel like I’ve met though the travel dramas on Twitter but haven’t yet . It’s a great listen but maybe I shouldn’t have done the 2hr 15 in one go 🙂
  19. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    what have you done to him ?
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