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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Please tell me you are thinking out loud and this won't become a reality
  2. does a democratic vote become less of one when influenced by Russia and Massive lies that are now obvious to most ?
  3. just had my crumble and custard .... I blame @gigpusher.... nice though forgot how much I like custard
  4. There's absolutely no chance that's a slip up ... hes trained not to slip up ffs ...
  5. new episode out today .... https://www.glastocast.co.uk/episode/glastonbury-2023-review-a-festival-recap-with-glastonbury-enthusiasts/
  6. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Katie Perry hasn’t headlined ?
  7. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    If they are playing it’ll be legend or headliner … hopefully the former …I’d probably see them daytime and not headlining
  8. Please don’t give me that kind of hope when I’d assumed oct was out 😀
  9. sorry that's me not thinking ...mobility obviously makes things harder to get about so that limits it somewhat
  10. I presume you'd not see all the pyramid acts most years anyway though if at all ?
  11. Sorry yeah I knew that … it depends if he’s better
  12. I guess it depends if the replacement is better ? do we have any idea ?
  13. Pokes head back in … didn’t read the follow up I’d just seen the scores posted on here . Will look at log burner change though … that wasn’t listed anywhere but I know they aren’t good although I don’t use it every evening during winter
  14. I thought the no kids thing might automatically reduce it .... like if I have 2 kids then surely my output triples as there would be 3 of us rather than 1
  15. will be full of chief execs of all the top supermarkets and oil companies instead
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