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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. well given we are talking about them and the cause it seems to
  2. yeah my old man made that point about missing flights for holidays .... guess that would really piss me off , and you'll likely not win those people back .... but if it stops the future destruction of the planet then it might just be worth it
  3. yeah right wing media hate them .... think they might become more and more popular as we self destruct though
  4. ha I forgot to mention it ... had a scan on sat and got the all clear .... from a hernia point of view . It was a lymphoma so not sure if that'll put me on a list for removal or not , im awaiting GP reply . they must be clearing them quickly congrats
  5. yeah saw that being a big thing .... wonder how he could sort it out ? Almost like its his job
  6. hopefully at some point the media become less of a factor , with decline in newspapers .... don't know if that translates to online reading but a world minus Murdoch will definitely be better
  7. and there will be more sh*t from this govt as we get closer things will get found out .... the Torys will get desperate and continue funding mates .... the amounts written off by them are incredible .... there's just so many scandals that surround them many don't even make the news
  8. erm apart from me who predicted it ...
  9. Anyone caught them on the latest tour ?sadly the venues and timings didn't quite work for me ..... really hope for a slot on the farm next year 2017 was far too long ago and they progressed loads since
  10. im slightly more optimistic ... id say the parliament after next ... maybe the one after by that time it'll be approaching 20 years and those brexiteers will be dead
  11. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    they need to get a balance in my opinion I don't think an event the size of Glastonbury would continue to sell out based on just upcoming artists ... it needs the big names and the bbc audience to continue to shift the tickets the way it does and that means mainstream ... the balance for me is perfect at the moment
  12. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    still a punt though in my opinion .... although they've done it before so why not
  13. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    quite decent foresight if she booked O-Rod then ? or she was potentially lined up
  14. and people have realised that getting Brexit done isn't quite what they imagined ? quite a few years on now
  15. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    1 of those 3 is quite likely unless its Dave .... all 3 not much chance
  16. Did he change his name to appear not as Tory as Rod ? 🙂
  17. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    yeah fair . interesting he'd know the others and they are very much in the equation as are the others .... but no 2 women ?
  18. I mean he's quite clearly not reasonable ( to me ) you can't vote like that and become reasonable ....
  19. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    When were Emilys comments ref women headliners ? would O-Rod have been in the frame then ?
  20. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    is that his Wishlist ? is he an accurate source ? 😀
  21. Rory Stewart the tory ? have you seen his voting record ? its hard to believe he appears like one of the better ones these days which is pretty appalling really
  22. so when do they announce they want to take us back in ? or do they do it quietly step by step ? or do we wait for the country to be more screwed by it ? there obviously are people opposed to any form or rejoining ... they will grumble at any steps anyway and not vote labour ... in 4 years time or 8 or whatever it'll likely be the same people .
  23. its hardly deeply unpopular is it ? sometimes labour need to make some judgements that its the best way to go ... the polling shows that ... whatever they do will piss some off ... nows the time to take advantage of that poll lead , yeah they might lose the odd seat but are set for a stoking majority anyway
  24. Lovely family pets they care about yep
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