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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. https://x.com/ChrisGPackham/status/1702001698821054651?s=20 meanwhile" trail hunting " continues ...... I was chatting to a girl on a dating site recently until I saw her profile contained the words love Animals and one of her pictures was of her dressed in hunting gear ....just a slight contradiction !! when I was at School I did work experience with the ministry of agriculture and one of the jobs we had was to go out and put down some hunting dogs ( beagles ) that had reached the end of their working lives ...how these people claim to like animals is truly beyond me and how this pursuit of the wealthy continues under a different guise is truly appalling
  2. I’m quite happy washing .is that controversial now ? or a definite improvement ? I feel almost human after a cold shower 🙂
  3. When I first went I think all of my group would wet wipe wash … and they are pretty useless tbh , now none of us use them … same with us the harras fence was often used by people showering .
  4. the bringing less stuff can't really be measured .... its stuff that's left that's the issue which can . I would say that wet wipe use has also decreased ... last year many people around us used portable showers but again thats unmeasurable but you do have all the people who have access to the sticklinch and worthy view showers also
  5. The sting in the tail is that f**k the bees f**ks the humans
  6. It does when they highlight it … if it’s just put onto the list of banned items quietly no one will take much note …. They asked for the sacred space to be respected ref NOS and things improved . Also they banned sky lanterns and you don’t see them now . The abandoned tents also much better … so if the festival asks then many people do what they ask
  7. no ... sadly a reflection on crumbling mental health services .
  8. I have heard it … either that or Pilates and I’ve never quite worked out the difference … I just feel I’d be utterly out of place in one of those classes
  9. I think there's split opinions on it .... there's not much time between the confirmation cutoff and a potential October sale date ... to me that doesn't really matter and I think October but others are going for Nov
  10. 360 plus booking fee ..... 400 will be a significant barrier for me but very much depends on life circumstances and what happens with pay rises and inflation .... it is my only summer holiday and has been for quite a few years now
  11. What is the ticket Price going to be this year ? what is your maximum ticket price ?just the ticket before extras ......
  12. Should hopefully find out this week or next
  13. I pick the damn things … where does that leave me ?!!
  14. George Monblot @steviewevie is a fan ? pretty hard on the 2main party leaders
  15. for me there's too many hurdles in the way ... we shall see
  16. nah so many hurdles to overcome for that to happen and that's before winning against Biden who won last time can't see it
  17. So sad people like Carol Vorderman are the ones having to hold the govt to account ..... shows the massive amount of work that needs to be done ... hope she's got the numbers
  18. had my ultrasound and its not a hernia .... thank f**k for that .... I can now stop worrying that exercise might cause something to pop out and can start to think that I might not need to give up tickets if im lucky enough to get them . really need to start my stretching again to help my back though
  19. Your diesel van is kicking up pollution there and then it’s a problem on its own … the other thing is a separate problem . Both need sorting but with different solutions
  20. Guilty as charged … my defence I’ve no kids so my impact through sprogs doesn’t exist … and I rarely take foreign holidays
  21. Definately a reduction in holidays needed … however a massive change needed in private flights they are far worse for pollution’s but that’s going to need the wealthy to commit
  22. The PM will always come under the most scruitiny in this thread … Boris before him … and his family also had mentions .
  23. The only way we can stop this is some way of reversing things . We are already in deep sh*t …. Greece lost a significant part of its agricultural land . These people need to eat . Hong Kong massive deluges of rain and we are barely started
  24. Can’t see any Indian not British posts
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